Lebedeva E.N., Krasikov S.I., Sharapova N.V., Setko N.P., Zakharov A.A. LIPID AND ADIPOKINE PROFILE IN WORKERS OIL REFINERY [№ 9 ' 2015] The most important indicator of the health of society is the health of its employees. The chemical and oil refining industry production factors lead to the disruption of many metabolic processes. Thus, in those long-term employees in enterprises of petrochemical previously noted the presence of traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease — an increase of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, TAG and IA due to lower HDL cholesterol. It was found that the number of individuals with overweight and obesity increases in proportion to length of service in hazardous work. Based on the fact that long-term exposure to toxic substances causes oxidative stress and has obesogenic effect (increases the total weight of the fatty tissue), the aim of study was to evaluate the lipid and adipokine profile of the workers of a petrochemical enterprises in the Orenburg region. A determining the level of leptin, adiponectin, TNF-α performed by ELISA, C-reactive protein (CRP) — turbidimetric method. The study shows that the values of CRP and TNF-α were elevated, indicating that the process of inflammation. Leptin, reflecting the total amount of adipose tissue in the body was significantly higher than normal (in females 2.5 times). Values adiponectin, in contrast, were extremely low, particularly in men: almost 10-fold decrease relative to normal. Thus, the individual long-term employees in enterprises of petrochemical noted the presence of both the traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease — high cholesterol blood serum (the development of hypercholesterolemia) and a violation of the distribution of cholesterol between atherogenic and antiatherogenic lipoprotein fractions (dyslipoproteinemia) and pro-inflammatory nature of the changes adipokine profile. The data obtained allow us to recommend the use as informative biomarkers of the toxic effects of environment factors determining pro- and antiadipokines — leptin, adiponectin, TNF-α and C-reactive protein. Studies have shown that changes in lipid metabolism in the background of overweight are closely linked to the change in indicators adipokine regulation that dictates the need for the correction of these changes.
Karmanova D.C., Chesnokova L.A., Krasikov S.I. THE IMPACT OF NON-TOXIC DOSES OF THE HERBICIDE 2,4-DA ON THE DYNAMICS OF BODY WEIGHT OF ANIMALS IN THE EXPERIMENT [№ 3 ' 2015] The article is devoted to assessing the possible role of the herbicide 2,4-DA (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acid dimethylammonium salt) in the development of overweight in long-term intake of low doses of the substance in the organism of laboratory animals with drinking water. This herbicide is of particular interest, since on the one hand it is widely used in agriculture and its inherent unique combination of such qualities as chemical stability and high lipophilicity contribute to its accumulation in the objects of wildlife and the delay in the body. The results of these studies showed that the uptake of the herbicide 2,4-DA led to a more rapid increase in body weight than the control animals. At the same time, in the experimental group rats showed greater accumulation of adipose tissue, as measured by the criterion weight indicate epididymal fat. Overall, the results showed that the intake of pesticide in doses that are an order of magnitude below the maximum allowable, indicate that when assessing the effects of pollutants of anthropogenic origin, should be paid not only on the ecological validity of these pollutants, but also on the fact of their presence, even at doses that do not have toxic effects.
Albakasova A.A., Veterkova Z.A., Evstifeeva G.Yu., Sumenko V.V., Krasikov S.I., Sharapova N.V. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIPID SPECTRUM OF BLOOD SERUM IN THE NEWBORN WITH INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RETARDATION [№ 1 ' 2012] In studies conducted by the authors, the connection between the serum lipid spectrum and the characteristics of prenatal development is defined. The features of the lipid spectrum of blood serum in newborns with intrauterine growth retardation, revealed the nature of dyslipoproteinemia and set the risk of atherosclerosis.
Leyzerman V.G ., Svistunova N.V., Krasikov S.I., Bugrova О.V. ESTIMATION OF SANATORIUM TREATMENT EFFICIENCY ON TOLERANCE TO EMOTIONAL STRESS [№ 12 ' 2005] The present research is devoted to an estimation of sanatorium treatment efficiency on increase of stability of an organism to psycho-emotional loadings (PEL). The carried out complex of treatment and sanitary improving actions raised stability of central nervous system and cardiovascular system to action of PEL. It is shown, that sanatorium treatment by significantly raised tolerance to action of standard psycho-emotional loadings.
Tuhvatullina R.F., Krasikov S.I., Leyzerman V.G., Budza V.G., Karpets A.V., Bikaeva N.N. CORRECTION OF PERSON`S CHANGES AT ALCOHOLICS DURING ADAPTATION - PERIODIC HIPOXIA [№ 12 ' 2005] The present research is devoted to studying influence of adaptation to periodic hypoxia on the clinical course of alcoholic illness connected to influence on psychological changes of a person, formed as a result of illness. For studying of person’s changes psychodiagnostic researches were carried out by the following techniques: personal Ayzenk’s questionnaire, technique by Spilberger-Khanin, technique of personal differential, K.Tomasa’s technique, diagnostics of self-relations. Results of the carried out researches have shown, that psychological parameters change as a result of treatment. Positive influence on behavioural features of a person is marked that promotes prolongation of remission. As a result of supervision over patients during spent research increase of initiative level, adequacy of emotional reactions, downturn of conflict level is observed. Among stereotypes of interpersonal interaction by patients harmonious styles of dialogue began to be used.
Krasikov S.I., Tukhvatullin P.F., Timoshinova S.V. ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY CHANGES OF FERMENTS AT ALCOHOLISM TREATMENT [№ 5 (app.1) ' 2005] This research was devoted to research of chronic alcohol use influence on antioxidant organism status and dependence between changes of ferments activity of antiradical defense, happened as a result of treatment, and duration of following remission. The results of got research showed that long alcoholization gave great changes in antioxidative organism status. It was shown that in experimental group SOD activity was in general in 60 % higher, but catalase activity was in 1,8 times lower in comparison with control. The results revealed significant differences in antioxidative ferments activity before and after treatment. Remission duration depended on changes character and was maximal (on average, seven weeks) at simultaneous increase of SOD and catalase activity. Remission duration was not more than 4-5 weeks at increase of one ferment activity with simultaneous decrease of another ferment activity. Depression of all studied antioxidant ferments reduced remission term till 1-3 weeks.
Timoshinova S.V., Sharapova N.V., Mikhailova I.V., Krasikov S.I., Boev V.M., Smolyagin V.I. THE INFLUENCE OF CHRONICAL INTOXICATION WITH CHROME AND BENZOL ON ANTIOXIDANT STATUS OF RATS [№ 10 ' 2004] The influence of chronical intoxication with chrome and benzol on antioxidant status of rats was studied in the model experiment on rats of Wistar line. Rats got these matters with water during 45 days. The chemiluminescence indexes of experimented animals were in 1.5 higher than of animals of intact group. Chronical intoxication with potassium dichromate conducted to rise of catalysis activity and superoxide dismutase on the average in 20-40 %. At the same time, the activity of superoxide dismutase depression about in 20-30% at invariance of catalysis activity on the level of intact group was marked at benzol intoxication. Thus the conclusion about different ways of realization of pro-oxidant benzol and chrome influence was made in this article.
Tukhvatullina R.F., Krasikov S.I., Leizerman V.G., Gareeva T.N., Budza V.G. ADAPTATION TO PERIODI-CAL HYPOXIA WITH COMPLEX ALCOHOLISM TREATMENT [№ 10 ' 2004] This article is devoted to method using of adaptation to periodical normbaric hypoxia with complex alcoholism treatment. This treatment showed that used method is effective for all patients. Besides this, normalization of vegetative homeostasis, appraised as method of variation pulsatory was observed at steady remission. The method of periodical hypoxia adaptation can be used in complex treatment of alcoholism patient.
Romanov S.V., Krasikov S.I., Lajzerman V.G., Gareeva T.N., Bugrova O.V. INFLUENCE OF HYPOBARIC HYPOXIA ON THE CONDITION OF FUNCTION OF EXTERNAL RESPIRATION AT PATIENTS WITH THE BRONCHIAL ASTHMA [№ 9 ' 2004] The dynamics of function of external respiration was studied at patients with a bronchial asthma with light and average persistent course at passage of a course of hypobarotherapy. The vital capacity of lungs (VCL) was investigated and the parameters connected with forced VCL - peak volumetric speed of an exhaled air stream, the maximal and average volumetric speeds of an exhaled air stream at elimination 25 %, 50 %and 75 %of vital capacity of lungs. The course of hypobarotherapy included 25 daily sessions of hypoxic trainings with conditions of a pressure chamber during 1,5 hours. Deficiency of an oxygen was created gradualiy (from a session to a session) by decrease of atmospheric pressure to the values equivalent to rise on 3500 meters above the sea level. Authentic optimization of parameters of function of external respiration was ascertained describing a condition of bronchial conductivity at patients with a bronchial asthma with light persistent course. At average persistent course the opposite shifts of parameters of function of external respiration were marked at absence of deterioration of a clinical picture. It specifies the expediency of hypobarotherapy use in complex treatment of bronchial asthmas with light persistent course and the further studying of an opportunity of use of a method for treatment of patients with other variants of disease. Key words: adaptation, a bronchial asthma, external respiration, hypobarotherapy, Н2О2 - sensor controls.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |