Kriskovets T.N., Saitbaeva E.R., Kirillova E.S. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PHENOMENON «POLITICAL IDENTITY OF A STUDENT» [№ 4 ' 2024] Characteristics of the phenomenon of student identity are influenced by the social situation at the current moment of society development. Significant changes currently occurring in the classical concept of the «national state» determine the consideration of identity as a significant parameter uniting groups of people. The potential of social interaction in the field of identity formation is determined by the fact that a person determines his or her personal stable internal position. In this regard, the study of the phenomenon of «political identity» is becoming increasingly important. The analysis of a number of pedagogical studies made it possible to determine the essence of the concept of «identity», classify types of identity and consider the main characteristics of the concepts of «political identity», «civil identity», «state identity», «national identity» and «ethnic identity». A comparative analysis of the phenomena revealed distinctive features of political identity, its inherent properties, the specifics of its manifestation at the individual and social levels. A definition of political identity is given, which emphasizes the stability of this phenomenon and its determinacy by historical events in the country, a community of views on its future. This concept of political identity differs from other types of identity due to the allocation of political relationships and the political sphere of application. Political identity is characterized by a common experience of statehood, an assessment of the common past, a perception of key historical events, a common responsibility for the future of the state, a single set of values for a given society. The potential for the formation of political identity in cadets of higher military educational institutions lies in the development of the ability of students to protect the national and cultural values of the state along with the ability to ensure the protection of citizens, state territories and resources.
Kirillova L.G., Elizarov D.V., Muratova G.Y. FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCIES OF PJSC “GAZPROM” MANAGERS AND SPECIALISTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAINING PROGRAMS OF ADVANCED TRAINING IN IDPO KNRTU [№ 4 ' 2022] The increasing requirements to the qualification level of the employees of the organization allows to reconsider the traditional approaches to training and to improve the system of professional education in general. The training organization must create such conditions, where in the process of obtaining new knowledge and skills the trainee learns necessary competences for independent solution of production, communicative, cognitive, moral, organizational and other problems. When developing training programs for students, it is necessary to apply a competency-based approach, based on the needs of the customer, current trends in education, professional level of the teaching staff and interactive learning technologies.
Sakharova N.S., Kirillova I.N. PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION COURSE “TRANSLATOR IN THE FIELD OF PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION” [№ 4 ' 2021] The system of additional professional education is considered as an educational, information environment that has a high resource capacity. Interaction of the participants of the educational process on the formation of professional competencies, the development of professionally important personal qualities of the engineer of the new generation allow us to talk about the pedagogical support of the educational process. We have considered the phenomenon of “pedagogical support” as a planned activity that involves assistance in overcoming difficulties in the educational process. Based on the analysis of the methodological literature, it was established that pedagogical support is the interaction of the subjects of educational activity; creating conditions for their development. The teacher in this process acts as a consultant, assistant. As a result of our research, the pedagogical conditions necessary for the implementation of the additional professional program “Translator in the field of professional communication”were identified. The following pedagogical conditions were proposed: axiologization of the content of education; disclosure of the pedagogical potential of intersubject integration; development of intersubject interaction “teacher — student — group of students”. As our research has shown, the pedagogical support of additional professional education opens up additional opportunities for the formation of a professionally mobile, in-demand qualified specialist, who has formed universal and professional values, is capable of professional self-development, effective interaction with partners.
Bykova A.S., Sakharova N.S., Kirillova I.N. MODERN TENDENCIES OF INTERPRETING THE CONCEPT OF “CRITICAL THINKING” [№ 3 ' 2021] Nowadays, there is a complete computerisation in the society of the XXI century and there is unlimited access to all types of information. The main requirement for a successful person is the ability to carry out a critical understanding of the information coming from outside, to give an objective assessment of the current events, to separate important information from insignificant one. There are many different studies of the concept of “critical thinking” in pedagogy, psychology, and philosophy. It is interpreted by scientists quite variably depending on the field of science, for example, the ability, special type or form of thinking, the type of cognitive activity, a set of cognitive skills, the process of evaluation and analysis, a set of elements. Having studied theoretical research, we came to the conclusion that critical thinking is independent, open, social and reflective. It was found that the researchers agree that the main components of critical thinking are purposefulness and controllability of thinking, the validity of the opinion, the logic of argumentation, selfregulation, the involvement of all types of mental operations that are necessary in working with continuously incoming information (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, concretizing, evaluation, interpretation). It is concluded that the information space is constantly updated with new data and ideas, and, consequently, many modern scientists add such important characteristics of critical thinking as reasoning, the ability to search for alternative ideas, introspection and analysis of incoming information, creativity and flexibility in finding ways to solve problems, the ability to predict possible results in decisionmaking, basic knowledge in psychology and conducting an effective dialogue. Summarizing the results of the study, despite a large number of different interpretations of the concept of “critical thinking”, modern scientists continue studying the type of thinking and finding new elements of the concept in terms of the conditions of intensive mobility in modern life.
Mel TESTING AS A TOOL OF MOODLE OPEN — SOURCE-LEARNING PLATFORM [№ 3 ' 2020] The modern job market sets obligatory requirements for specialists — fluency in the use of digital technologies in professional activities. Today, the use of digital technologies in teaching students in higher education is a requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard. Despite the many forms of organization of the educational process using digital technologies, the main issue remains the form of task control, ensuring the quality of student training and the competitiveness of future graduates in the job market. In this article, we consider the organization of control of the assimilation of material using the virtual learning environment Moodle. During the work we revealed the functions of digital technologies, determined the basic principles and forms of students` knowledge control in the electronic environment, as well as the conditions necessary for the successful development of questions complex. Special attention was paid to testing. We have developed a complex of questions and tasks for testing on the Moodle platform. After testing, we concluded, using digital technologies in education, tests are the most affordable and effective tool for controlling, which gives an opportunity to evaluate and analyze the knowledge level.
Bessonova E.V., Kirillova I.K., Tarabarina YU.A. PREPARATION TECHNIQUE FOR WRITING ESSAYS AT INTERNATIONAL EXAMS IN ENGLISH [№ 1 ' 2020] Today experts with a high level of proficiency in a foreign language are considered in demand in the labour market. The level of foreign language proficiency is confirmed by a high test result of international exams in a foreign language. The essay is a mandatory part of international English language exams such as TOEFL, IELTS, and Cambridge Advanced English. We examined the requirements and assessment criteria for the essay writing exam task. The task assesses the level of speech skills formation necessary to create your own pieces of writing in a foreign language. As part of the research, we developed a technology for teaching writing based on a product-oriented approach. According to the technology we have identified the following stages of text production: task orientation, text planning, text writing, and text self-editing. We have also proposed a set of exercises aimed at developing following skills: task understanding, formulating the author’s point of view and its proving with relevant examples, planning a cohesive and coherent text, text division into paragraphs, highlighting of the paragraph’s main idea, development of the idea in the text, expressing ideas in the text logically in accordance with the rhetorical structure of English essay, usage of lexical cohesive means, text self-editing. This technology was tested during experimental training; its results prove the effectiveness of the proposed technology for teaching essay writing according to international English language exams requirements.
Kirillova I.K., Tarabarina YU.A. TEACHING WRITING FOR INTERNATIONAL EXAMS PREPARATION [№ 4 ' 2019] The analysis of written assignments carried out by junior students of non-linguistic specialties revealed an insufficient level of foreign language writing skills formation. The students faced the following challenges during writing the essays: difficulties in text organization and rhetorical structure, lack of cohesion and coherence, difficulties in the choice of relevant information for argumentation, lack of vocabulary. We conducted a study of teaching essay writing skills preparing junior students of non-linguistic specialties for international English examinations. We used a product writing approach based on the text model analysis. It allows to know examination requirements for rhetorical structure of the text and lexical and grammatical resources needed to write an essay. To improve writing skills formation we developed a complex of exercises aimed at teaching writing ‘agree-or-disagree’ type of an examination essay. The developed complex presents a hierarchy of writing text process stages: task orientation, text planning, text writing, and text self-editing. The results of the conducted teaching experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the developed complex of exercises.
Mel’nikova A.Ya., Kirillova I.K., Mel’nikov D.D. COMPLEX OF ENGINEERING GAMES IN THE FORMATION INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF THE FUTURE BACHELOR [№ 3 ' 2019] We research a complex of engineering games in the study of the discipline “Material Science and Technology of Structural Materials” and its impact on the formation of innovative potential for future bachelors of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in the Bashkir State University. At the beginning of the article, we note that in the last decade the demand for qualified specialists of the innovative type has grown. In this regard, we introduce the concept of professional and personal quality of a bachelor — innovative potential, which includes a combination of innovative knowledge, skills and relationships. In the higher school, the relevance of the innovative potential of modern engineers is recognized and research to form their competencies are being conducted, but effective methods for its formation have not been identified. We found that an effective methodology for the formation of innovative potential within the subject “Materials Science and Technology of Construction Materials” is a complex of engineering games, including a cycle of didactic, role-playing and business games. Also, we give an example of the development of a complex of engineering games, a description of business games in the conditions of enterprises and obtaining the result. Our engineering games are based on an innovative task, the integration of educational and quasi-professional activities, the simulation of significant conditions for making innovative decisions, the using of elements of the industrial environment of basic departments, scientific and methodological support, and include means of assessing the innovative potential of future bachelors. On this basis, we conclude that the complex of engineering games is effectively used to form the innovative potential of future bachelors.
Kirillova E.A., ZhadyaevA.V., Kozminykh V.O. SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURE PECULIARITIES OF METAL DERIVATIES COMPLEX ON THE BASES THREECARBONYL COMPOUNDS [№ 10 ' 2013] Reaction of metalechange in aqueous solution of oxoenolates of sodium synthesized Claisen condensation of methylketones and diethyl oxalates and sodium methylate with salts of metals(II) synthesized metalchelates complex. Structure of synthesized compounds are investigated by spectral methods analysis.
Vinogradov А.N., Kirillova E.A., Кuzmina К.М., Levenets T.V., Kozminykh V.О. A SIMPLE METHOD SYNTHESIS OF 3-ACYLMETYLIDENBENZOAZINE-2-ONES [№ 12 ' 2011] A simple and easy-to-use method for the synthesis of 3-acylmetylidenbenzoazine-2-ones based on the three-component condensation of metylketones with dietyloxalates and 1,2-diaminobenzene or 2-aminophenol is proposed. Structure and specialty of state synthesize compounds established based on data IR and NMR 1Н spectroscopes.
Kozyminykh V.O., Mukovoz P.P., Kirillova E.A. 1,3,4,6- TETRACARBONYL SYSTEMS. REPORT 9. DIETHYLKETYPINATE: SYNTHESIS, STRUCTURE AND INTERACTION WITH 1,2- DIAMINOBENZENE [№ 5 ' 2009] By Claisen condensation of ethyl acetate with oxalic ester and sodium hydride (or sodium) with follow-up influence of hydrochloric acid on intermediate sodium-dienolate, diethyl ether of (2Z,4Z)-3,4- dihydroxy -2,4- hexadiene -1,6-acid (diethyl -3,4-dioxo hexanedioate or diethylketypinate) was obtained. The report discusses the structure synthesized ester based on IR and NMR spectroscopy. Interaction of diethylketypinate with 1,2- diaminobenzene.
Kozminykh V.О., Kirillova E.A., Vinogradov A.N., Mukovoz P.P., Scherbakov Yu.V., Mozgunova E.M., Golotsvan A.V., Kozminykh E.N. METAL DERIVATIVES OF ρ-π-ELECTRON DONATING POLYCARBONYL SYSTEMS WITH CLOSED α- AND β-DIOXO FRAGMENTS. PART 3. SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURE OF METAL(II)CHELATES OF 4-OXODERIVATIVES OF 2-HYDROXY-2ALKENOATE ETHERS [№ 4 ' 2009] Metal-exchange reaction of metal(II) salts in water solutions with sodium enolates of 4-oxoderivatives of 2-hydroxy-2-alkenoate ethers (LNa), synthesized by the Claisen condensation of methylenecarbonyl compounds (methyl ketones or ethyl acetate) with diethyl oxalate at basic conditions, leads to O,O’-coordinated metal-1,3-diketonate complexes, i.e. metal(II)chelates (L2Met) composed on oxoalkenoate bidentate ligands. The structure peculiarities of synthesized β-diketonates are discussed. Presented are data, additional to preceding papers, about synthesis, structure and properties of functionalized 1,3-dicarbonyl anion metal derivatives.
Kozminykh V.O., Kirillova E.A., Shcherbakov Yu.V., Mukovoz P.P., Vinogradov A.N., Karmanova O.G., Kozminykh E.N. METAL DERIVATIVES OF P-π-ELECTRON-SURPLUS POLYCARBONYL SYSTEMS WITH COUPLED α- AND β-DIOXOFRAGMENTS [№ 9 ' 2008] Well-known literary information about production, structure, characteristics and biological activity of metal-derived anions with 1,3-dicarbonylic compound, functionalized with acceptor substitutes, – p-π-electron-surplus of polycarbonylic systems with coupled α- and β-dioxo links has been summarized.
Kozminykh V.O., Kirillova E.A., Goncharov V.I., Golotsvan A.V. TERNARY TANDEM HETEROCYCLIZATION OF ACETOPHENONE WITH DIETHYLCSLAD AND M-AMINOPHENOL – NEW METHOD FOR GETTING OF 7-HYDROXY-4-PHENYLQUINOLIN-2-CARBOXYLIC ACID [№ 4 ' 2008] The ether condensation of acetophenone with diethyl oxalate and m-aminophenol in presence of sodium followed by treatment of the reaction mixture with acetic acid proceeds unusually to preparatively yield 7-hydroxy-4-phenylquinoline-2-carboxylic acid. This three component tandem heterocyclization is proposed to be used as a new regiodirected method of quinoline-2-carboxylic (quinaldinic) acid synthesis. The reaction pathway and structure peculiarities of the prepared compound as well as alternative structures are under discussion.
[№ 5 ' 2002]
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |