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Drobotenko Yu.B.
The issues of values and values-based education are very urgent and widely discussed in pedagogy today. The researchers’ appeal to the ideas of pedagogical axiology is connected with an ambition to find approaches to how to form students’ value-based orientations and consider the education as the main way to solve this problem. The purpose of the article is to prove and describe the problematic directions of pedagogical axiology development presenting it as a disciplinary field of pedagogical knowledge. The author presents the stages of how the ideas of pedagogical axiology have been developing and shows the promising areas of pedagogical axiology development: discourse design and detailization in pedagogical axiology; the development of pedagogical axiology as an interdisciplinary paradigm; methodological specification of axiological research in pedagogy. The author pays special attention to how to choose methods for studying the values-based educational phenomena and value-based orientations of students; indicates the advantages and limitations of these methods while conducting pedagogical research. Pedagogical axiology has sufficient methodological resources for undertaking studies of value-based phenomena in education, but requires the readiness of a researcher to conduct axiological studies and use flexible methodology.

Drobotenko Yu.B.
The article identifies the problem of developing University teachers’ skills of how to apply research strategies to study the conditions in which hybrid learning at the university would be successful. It is shown that the spread of hybrid methodology in higher education has led to the complication in educational process realization and required teachers to search for appropriate teaching tools and methods serving to handle the new challenges. The issue of hybrid learning organization at the university is one of the most widely discussed and urgent in modern education. The spread of hybrid methodology in higher education has led to the complication in educational process realization and required teachers to search for appropriate teaching tools and methods serving to handle the new challenges. Moreover, it required teachers to develop their educational design skills, skills of evaluation and research skills to study hybrid educational practice. The purpose of the paper is to explain the foundation and describe the research strategies that University teachers need to successfully organize and implement hybrid learning. In accordance with the key focus of University teachers’ activity (solving professional issues), there are four types of research strategies: a strategy aimed at researching the external environment and the surrounding society; a strategy aimed at researching the subject of education; a strategy aimed at researching the activities of the subject of education; a strategy aimed at researching the teacher personality and their activities. Hybrid learning organization calls for a teacher’s ability to use research strategies and analysis techniques as a key element in finding the answers to the questions about what is happening, why it is happening, what could happen, what should be done.
The article was prepared within the fundamental research of State Assignment implementation on the topic “Professional competence of a teacher for the implementation of hybrid learning” (Supplementary Agreement of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “OMSPU” No. 073-03-2022-035/3 от 08.06.2022).

Drobotenko Yu.B.
The development of qualitative methodology in pedagogy is due to the expansion of its conceptual apparatus and the processes of integration and differentiation of the problem field of pedagogical research. When studying, describing and explaining complex and nonlinear pedagogical phenomena of our time, means are required that allow the researcher to identify the factors influencing the development of these phenomena; to show the cause-and-effect relationships of emerging pedagogical situations; to establish semantic and value orientations of participants in pedagogical interaction. Today, such means of research include methods of hermeneutics.
The purpose of the study was to describe the possibilities of the narrative approach in the study of pedagogical phenomena, in particular, to substantiate the research potential of narrative methods — narrative analysis, narrative interview, narrative essay, narrative metaphor and narrative research. I studied the defended dissertations on pedagogy for the years 2020-2021 in order to find out how often teachers-researchers turn to qualitative research methods in general, and narrative methods in particular. It is noted that the penetration of the narrative method into pedagogy is accompanied by criticism from a part of the research community, whose arguments are related to questions about the truth of reality conveyed by the narrative; criteria for evaluating the objectivity of research narratives; the procedure for conducting narrative practices and the process of qualitative interpretation of the data obtained. There is a need to develop an interpretive culture and prepare novice researchers to explain pedagogical phenomena, which indicates the need to search for techniques and techniques of their pedagogical interpretation. The results of the research can be used in the development of educational materials for master's and postgraduate studies, conducting various kinds of research and developing research projects.

Drobotenko Yu.B., Nazarova N.A.
The development of learners’ functional literacy is one of the most urgent issues in modern education. The interrelationship between the quality of general education and the level of functional literacy formation is substantiated in pedagogical researches and reflected in the international assessment results of learners’ educational achievements (PISA) and the provisions of the normative documents that determine educational policy in the country, critically comprehended and meaningfully interpreted by experts in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, etc.
The aim of the article is to provide an overview of the basic psychological and pedagogical concepts of learners’ functional literacy formation, reflecting different approaches to the formation process of all its components (content, procedural, resultative).
The article describes personality­oriented, activity­based, context­competence concepts that allow to present the process and results of students’ functional literacy formation in a holistic way. The authors of the article also distinguish: search­creative and reproductive­algorithmic concepts that characterize the features of the procedural aspect of the functional literacy formation; a participatory concept, the leading idea of which is the development of functional literacy, considering life experience, as well as cultural and individual characteristics of students; the concept of a comprehensive assessment showing the necessity of considering the multi­component structure and multiple contexts of functional literacy while assessing the level of its formation; an innovative and infrastructure concept that focuses on the necessity of the school infrastructure development which would create the conditions for the functional literacy formation.
The article was prepared within the fundamental research of State Assignment implementation on the topic “Methodological and linguodidactic basics for the functional literacy formation of schoolchildren as a condition for improving the quality of general education” (Supplementary Agreement of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “OMSPU” No. 073­03­2021­027/2).

Drobotenko Yu.B., Duka N.A.
The current situation of modernization of Higher Pedagogical Education is characterized by changes not only in educational technologies, but also in the interaction of participants in the educational process. The urgency of the article is connected with the identification of the potential of those technologies that form the ability of future specialists to act in situations of uncertainty based on professional values. We believe in this case, educational technologies, which allow future teachers to form professional values on an activity basis, are of particular importance. The purpose of the article is to describe the capabilities and experience of putting modern educational technologies into University educational process, these technologies create situations of interaction between participants in different conditions. Based on our analysis of case technology and a description of its capabilities in the development of students' independence, the ability to solve professional problems, the development of their creative qualities, methodological aspects of new forms of presentation of the results of solving cases are indicated. We have found out that methodological aspects of new forms of cases results presentation have got ambiguous characteristics. We ground the case studio technology as a space for creative presentation of the results of solving problem situations, professional tasks and as a space for the non-standard expression of ideas for solving them with the methods of theatrical pedagogy. Along with this, we emphasize that the studio environment allows students to create situations as close as possible to professional pedagogical activity, in which future specialists need to be creative.
The authors of the article are the creators of case studio, which is a form that describes the experience of Omsk State Pedagogical University in presenting the results of the students’ solutions of a case in a studio form, which is actively used in the practical round of the psychological and pedagogical Olympiad and in assessing students’ educational results. The materials of the article can be used in developing the content of competitive tests, forms of current and midterm assessment of students, designing training tasks aimed at advancing future teachers creativity in solving professional problems, expanding professional and pedagogical thinking and mastering theoretical pedagogical skills.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
Главный редактор: С.А. Мирошников
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