Amirova L.A., Sergienko I.V., Amirov A.F., Gayazov A.A. CIVIC-PATRIOTIC SOCIALIZATION OF STUDENT YOUTH IN THE SPACE OF THE DIGITAL MUSEUM EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT [№ 4 ' 2024] The most important task of modern Russian education, affecting all its levels, is the civic and patriotic socialization of students. Its solution requires special forms of interaction between people of different generations, effective pedagogical practices that influence the intellectual, emotionalsensual and volitional sphere of students, organization of their activities to study their native land, its history, culture, economics, etc., as well as the organization of their work on the study of the native land. Engaging young people in the traditional values of the Russian society, formation of a worthy citizen and patriot of the country takes place in the process of creating a digital (virtual) museum. The joint work of teachers and students on museum expositions is based on moral and value guidelines of actualization of the activity position «I know, I love, I am proud», didactic possibilities of the process that allow students to realize their knowledge, experience, creative potential to the maximum extent and use the materials of the developed expositions in the implementation of the curriculum and extracurricular activities. The article describes the pedagogical principles tested by the authors on the basis of the experience of creating a virtual museum in the state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Bashkir Academy of Public Service and Management under the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan».
Amirova L.A. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL TEACHER PERSONAL FLEXIBILITY DEVELOPMENT UNDER CONDITIONS OF EDUCATIONAL CLUSTER [№ 10 ' 2017] Social values have been constantly changing due to the historic and cultural development of the society. The dynamics of these changes depend on the natural process of social development and can be accelerated or slow down by the special government agencies actions and by the reforms and modernization. The educational environment provides not only intellectual, moral, ethical and aesthetic development of a person but consolidate and form value system, general and professional outlook as well. Educational clusters are created on the leading universities campuses to prepare highly qualified specialists for a particular professional sphere. Personal mobility enables a person to quickly change a status or a position within social, cultural or professional environment under the influence of natural, social or cultural circumstances. The formation of this personality quality meets the demands of the society to a person namely speed, pace, efficiency, and intensity. Professional pedagogical mobility is an integral human characteristic that includes professional pedagogical competence, flexibility, initiative and innovation. The problem of a specialist’s professional mobility development affects all the spheres of professional education and should be studied and solved using multidisciplinary approach.
Kireeva N.A., Griroriadi A.S., Vodopyanov V.V., Amirova А.R. INDICATION POOR CONDITION SOIL FOR HER IN COMPLEX MICROSCOPIC FUNGI, INCREASES PRESSING CHEMICAL FACTOR [№ 12 ' 2011] It was shown that as a result of the petrochemical industry the changes of the mycological complex of soil contaminated by refinery products are changing. It is described the similarity of fungal communities of uncontaminated and polluted soils wiht different levels of oil hydrocarbon.
Amirova Z.K., Shakhtamirov I.Ya. DIOXINS AND POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS IN CHICKEN MEAT OF DIFFERENT REGIONS IN RUSSIA [№ 6 ' 2011] The content of dioxins (PCDD / Fs) and dioxin-like toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB-WHO) in chicken meat produced in the poultry farms of the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Bashkortostan, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of high resolution is researched in this article. It is established that in all samples there is the presence of trace amounts of PCDD / Fs and PCBs, the level and ratio of isomers which have regional differences. Preferential pathways of toxicants entrance into food chains are investigated. Excess of norms of Russia and the EU in the studied samples is not established, but it requires the monitoring of environmental safety products.
Amirova L.A. DIALECTICS OF BIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL DURING FORMATION OF THE MOBILE PERSON [№ 1 ' 2004] Dynamics of social processes in modern Russia, being simultaneously and a cause and effect of process of economic and political transformations, again deduces on the leading edge psychologically - pedagogical science the problem of development of the person. It should be the person of a new, modern formation capable actively be improved, flexibly and is disciplined to change, adapting for new requirements and conditions of existence that will help it to go through a situation of crisis, to leave from it and to create the new society, new forms and conditions of life of people at which association of technical - economic development and development of the person is possible.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |