Amirova L.A. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL TEACHER PERSONAL FLEXIBILITY DEVELOPMENT UNDER CONDITIONS OF EDUCATIONAL CLUSTER Social values have been constantly changing due to the historic and cultural development of the society. The dynamics of these changes depend on the natural process of social development and can be accelerated or slow down by the special government agencies actions and by the reforms and modernization. The educational environment provides not only intellectual, moral, ethical and aesthetic development of a person but consolidate and form value system, general and professional outlook as well. Educational clusters are created on the leading universities campuses to prepare highly qualified specialists for a particular professional sphere. Personal mobility enables a person to quickly change a status or a position within social, cultural or professional environment under the influence of natural, social or cultural circumstances. The formation of this personality quality meets the demands of the society to a person namely speed, pace, efficiency, and intensity. Professional pedagogical mobility is an integral human characteristic that includes professional pedagogical competence, flexibility, initiative and innovation. The problem of a specialist’s professional mobility development affects all the spheres of professional education and should be studied and solved using multidisciplinary approach.Key words: personal flexibility, professional flexibility, educational system, educational cluster.
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About this article
Author: Amirova L.A.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |