Kireeva N.A., Griroriadi A.S., Vodopyanov V.V., Amirova А.R. INDICATION POOR CONDITION SOIL FOR HER IN COMPLEX MICROSCOPIC FUNGI, INCREASES PRESSING CHEMICAL FACTORIt was shown that as a result of the petrochemical industry the changes of the mycological complex of soil contaminated by refinery products are changing. It is described the similarity of fungal communities of uncontaminated and polluted soils wiht different levels of oil hydrocarbon. Key words: oil pollution, change the mycological complex, phytotoxic species, the similarity coefficient, cluster analysis
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About this article
Authors: Amirova A.R., Grigoriadi A.S., Kireeva N.A., Vodopyanov V.V.
Year: 2011
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |