Novemberš2024, №š4š(244), pagesš44-51doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-244-44
Kolobova L.V., Ksenofontova A.N.1, Moroz V.V. ABOUT DIGITALIZATION IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESSThe introduction of digital educational environment is caused by global changes that the education sector is currently experiencing. One of the strong and constant arguments in favor of the integration of digital technologies in education is their contribution to improving the teaching and learning situation. From this point of view, the government develops and implements digital integration policies, educational entities develop “technopedagogical” practices, and scientists study the consequences in order to identify their effectiveness for teaching and learning. Thus, educational, political and scientific issues related to digital technologies in education have united around the issue of the impact of digital technologies on the educational process. For decades, the perception of digital technologies in education has been dominated by the paradigm that digital technologies carry educational potentials that can change the situation. And, in this case, the task of educational entities, politics and science is how to actualize these potentials so that they have a concrete and noticeable impact. Digital technologies, in terms of their impact on improving the teaching and learning situation, are essentially the driving force of progress and effectiveness of education. By overestimating the role of digital technologies, we neglect the role of educational subjects. Reduced to the role of performers, their main task will be to not hinder the influence of digital technologies, providing them with optimal conditions for realizing their potential. In addition, such a paradigm is an oversimplification of the pedagogical situation, according to which digital technologies are perceived as a determining factor in teaching and learning in a cause-and-effect relationship. The use of multimedia opens the way for students to more independent study of the subject. Properly organized and supported multimedia work with students allows the teacher to activate the processes of knowledge acquisition. In turn, this implies, on the part of both the teacher and the student, mastery of technological culture.Key words: digitalization, digital tools, motivation, teacher, students, learning methods, online resources, adaptation of teaching methods, student diversity.
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About this article
Authors: Kolobova L.V., Ksenofontova A.N., Moroz V.V.
Year: 2024
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-244-44
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |