Nevolina V.V., Belonovskaya I.D., Baranov V.V. STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF INSTITUTES OF HEALTH IN THE STUDENT’S ENVIRONMENT OF ORENBURG REGIONАctivities of the institutes of health of the Orenburg region for the formation of a style healthy lifestyle, aimed at the formation of conscious and responsible attitude of students to health, focusing on health behavior, improving health-saving activity, the effectiveness of teaching and professional activities; prevention of socially negative phenomena in the student's environment, promoting a healthy lifestyle. In universities Orga, OSPU, OSU conducts numerous scientific studies. Strategy of development of institutes of health aimed at scientific and methodological support of the formation of the developing environment of professional education as a complex of information, social and psycho-pedagogical factors contributing to the formation of a healthy way of life, value of health as a resource for professional self-development of the student. We have developed and implemented pedagogical project of the open network pilot the foresight platform, “the Strategy of professional self-development of the student in medical education”. Key words: health, healthy lifestyle, health institutions, development strategy, pilot the foresight platform.
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About this article
Authors: Nevolina V.V., Belonovskaya I.D., Baranov V.V.
Year: 2017
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