Romanenko N.A., Terekhova M.S., Deryabin ALKYLXYBENZOLS INFLUENCE ON FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY OF FC-FRAGMENTS OF ANTIBODIESAbility of alkylxybenzols (AOB) change the functional activity of Fc-fragments of antibodies responsible for the initiation of the classical wais of complement activation is studied in the system of complementdependent hemolysis. It is determined that in such system C6-AOB and C12-AOB but not in C1-AOB and C3-AOB have their own haemolytic effect in high concentrations. At lower concentrations C6-AOB and C12-AOB influence on the kinetic characteristics of reaction of complementdependent hemolysis causing a time increase of lysis coming of 50% target cells without changing of lytic reaction speed. Key words: antibodies, alkylxybenzols, Fc-fragments, complement, hemolysis.
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About this article
Authors: Deryabin D.G., Terehova M.S., Romanenko N.A.
Year: 2009
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |