June 2023, № 2 (238), pages 56-63doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-238-56
Dyukina N.G. SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL COMPONENT OF ECOLOGICAL CULTURE OF SCHOOLCHILDREN AT MATHEMATICS LESSONSThe issues of ensuring the country’s environmental security are presented in the Environmental Security Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. Ecological education of schoolchildren and education of the population is one of the solutions to the issues raised. According to the Federal State Educational Standard of basic and secondary general education, the formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of schoolchildren is one of the requirements for mastering the main educational program. The article describes the process of formation of the socio-ecological component of the ecological culture of schoolchildren in the process of teaching mathematics. Achievement of the set task is carried out by direct solution of ordinary tasks in mathematics lessons, but having a real substantive formulation of regional environmental priority. The didactic possibilities of the content of a school course in mathematics make it possible to predetermine and resolve a number of environmental problems. This is possible only in integration with other academic disciplines. At the same time, the technologies of the meta-subject approach, as the basis of education, fully contribute to the achievement of personal, subject and meta-subject learning outcomes for schoolchildren, provide tremendous opportunities for greening the content of all disciplines, and even can be aimed at integrating the content of environmental and vocational education. The purpose of the study is to develop a teaching methodology aimed at the formation of the socio-ecological component of the schoolchildren’s ecological culture in the process of teaching mathematics in grades 5-6. The quantitative and qualitative methods used to analyze and interpret the data obtained in our study proved the effectiveness of the developed methodology. At the same time, the subject level of mastering the school course in mathematics did not decrease. Thus, the study devoted to the formation of the socio-ecological component of the ecological culture of schoolchildren in the process of teaching mathematics is relevant and socially significant. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the socio-ecological component of the schoolchild’s ecological culture make it possible to use the developed teaching methodology in the educational process in educational institutions, in gymnasiums. The developed methodological recommendations for teachers are recommended for conducting lessons in mathematics using the technology of the meta-subject approach.Key words: socio-ecological component, ecological culture, metasubject approach, school course in mathematics, metasubject education in mathematics, regional principle.
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About this article
Author: Dyukina N.G.
Year: 2023
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-238-56
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |