June 2021, № 3 (231), pages 94-99doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-231-94
Akhmedyanova G.F., Pishchukhin A.M. ANALYSIS OF BARRIER RESTRICTIONS IN THE ASSIMILATION AND PRESENTATION OF KNOWLEDGE BY A STUDENT AT A UNIVERSITYIn this work, on the basis of a systematic approach, the barriers of the student at the university are analyzed, which hinder both the deep assimilation of knowledge and their worthy presentation at various levels of control. A multilevel model representation of the learning process allows you to identify bottlenecks and outline ways to eliminate the identified barriers. However, as this analysis shows, the most serious barriers, as well as a large number of them, are still in the minds of students, therefore, almost all pedagogical means of overcoming these barriers become indirect, convincing, and motivating. On the other hand, it is possible to imagine, of course, punishments, the main of which is the deprivation of the scholarship. Several levels of professional knowledge transfer have been identified, depending on the pedagogical means by which this is carried out. So theoretical knowledge is transmitted through lectures, skills are acquired in practical classes and laboratory work, and finally, skills are developed in work with elements of creativity: essays, term papers, final qualification works. The transferred knowledge is then compared with the results of control procedures at the corresponding levels, and only then the degree of development of competencies and the general competence of the student at the highest level are determined. Accordingly, corrective actions from the upper levels will depend on the results obtained. It is important for the learning process that there are objective and subjective barriers. The first group of barriers is associated with students with disabilities and persons with disabilities. Since there is an arsenal of special pedagogical tools for their training (inclusive education), only subjective barriers are investigated in the work.Key words: Multilevel presentation, learner barriers, systems analysis, competencies, model of the learning process
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About this article
Authors: Ahmedyanova G.F., Pishchuhin A.M.
Year: 2021
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-231-94
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |