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October 2019, № 5 (223), pages 69-75

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-223-69

Salzeva S.V., Kochemasova L.A. HISTORICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL HERITAGE AS A DESIGN FOR THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES IMPLEMENTATION Rethinking of historical and pedagogical heritage from the perspective of modern development of pedagogical science and practice, implementation of leading ideas are the basis for further integration of conceptual humanistic views in the context of formation of historical and pedagogical competences of students.
The article analyzes the conceptual ideas of Y. Korcak about the image of the teacher, about the self-worth of childhood, love for children, the search for harmonization of interaction in the world of childhood and the world of adults, which contribute to its better implementation. The necessity of popularization and continuity of ideas of humanistic pedagogy of Y. Korcak and its methodology in modern education is stressed. The author pays special attention to pedagogical heritage from the position of leading scientists of modern times who develop the ideas of the teacher, analyze the problems of theory and practice of education in the pedagogical concept of Y. Korchak. The author ‘s vision of practical significance of the study of historical and pedagogical heritage revealing the main provisions of the pedagogical concept and the modern context of the pedagogy of Janusz Korcak is justified.
The updating of humanistic ideas reflects conceptual aspects of the study of the historical and pedagogical heritage of teachers of the past in modern conditions by organizing an international competition of research and creative works of students “In the world of wise thoughts of domestic and foreign scientists-teachers”. The author ‘s project (contest) reveals the humanistic potential of using the pedagogical heritage of the past in the educational process of the university as an innovative regulation of scientific creativity of students.
Key words: Y. Korchak, pedagogical humanist, historical and pedagogical heritage, historical and pedagogical competencies, educational organization of higher education, modern humanistic pedagogy.


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About this article

Authors: Saltseva S.V., Kochemasova L.A.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-223-69

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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