Pak L.G., Ivanishcheva N.A., Ryabtsov S.N., Kochemasova L.A. ANDRAGOGIC CONCEPT OF ACCOMPANYING TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATION: LEADING IDEAS, PRINCIPLES AND PATTERNS [№ 4 ' 2023] In the context of the digital transformation of education, it is of interest to study the structural elements of the andragogical concept of accompanying teachers. We have systematized ideas and views on the organization of procedural and effective characteristics of the author’s concept as a new form of scientific psychological and pedagogical knowledge. The semantic core of the pedagogical goal-setting of the author’s concept and the system of fundamental leading ideas of the concept: 1) timely identification of problem areas of digital transformation of education and barriers that complicate the formation of digital literacy of teachers for optimal minimization of the identified risky areas of professional and pedagogical activity based on the implementation of various types and strategies of support; 2) the need to take into account andragogical invariants when implementing support for teachers in the context of the digital transformation of education in a complementary combination of the desire of teaching staff for full selfrealization in the profession and increasing the level of their own digital literacy; 3) implementation of organizational facilitating aspects of support for the optimal transition of teachers from the traditional teaching model to an integrated one using the multifunctional capabilities of the electronic information and educational environment, digital technologies and resources. The patterns of the author’s concept set the logic for the functioning of the phenomenon under study: a) the productivity of the formation of digital literacy of teachers (as a result of the concept) depends on the complementary use of strategies to support teaching staff in the electronic information and educational environment of the organization; b) the active development by teachers of new social-role functionality and methods of professional activity in the field of digitalization of education depends on the timely implementation of the andragogical position of the teacher-mentor; c) the constructiveness of the development of andragogical invariants of teachers in the context of the digital transformation of education depends on the directions of support for updating the mechanisms of social partnership of educational subjects and the development of professional collaborations. Based on the identified patterns, principles have been identified that are designed to fulfill the regulatory function of pedagogical activity: openness of education to external demands of the digital world; subjective focus on continuity of education; collaboration and digital dialogue; facilitation; social and professional activity; personal self-realization of teachers as digital professionals.
Ivanischeva N.A., Kochemasova L.A. SELF-EDUCATION AS A TREND OF THE PARADIGM OF KNOWLEDGE CULTURE STUDENT OF PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY [№ 1 ' 2021] Self-education is one of the main types of student learning activities of the Pedagogical University. In the process of self-education, the intellectual activity regulator is the culture of knowledge. The knowledge of natural science disciplines occurs from the position of the individual style of self-education “outside the template”, reproduction of values of culture and their transformation in the educational work of the individual. The professional and personal qualities of the student reflect its self-educational competence in the aggregate of the objective, motivational-semantic and regulatory and reflective components. The purpose of our study is to identify the levels of self-education competence in students of pedagogical universities of the Volga and Ural Federal Districts of Russia in the field of natural science disciplines and the factors of its development. Cognitive motive and motive of self-realization are key in manifestation of self-education competence. The level of development of self-education competence was recorded by the statistical program “IBM SPSS Statistics 22” on average indicators and selective standard deviation. In our proposed concept, the phenomenon of self-education competence is first reviewed in the context of its development at the subject of the pedagogical profession. We are proved that the need for the creation of pedagogical constructs increases in a transforming educational environment, which would provide a transition from traditional self-education samples to building its own model of scientific and practical training technologies. The results of the study made it possible to identify differences in students of younger and senior courses in personal interest to continuously engage in self-education activities for their professional personal development.
Salzeva S.V., Kochemasova L.A. HISTORICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL HERITAGE AS A DESIGN FOR THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES IMPLEMENTATION [№ 5 ' 2019] Rethinking of historical and pedagogical heritage from the perspective of modern development of pedagogical science and practice, implementation of leading ideas are the basis for further integration of conceptual humanistic views in the context of formation of historical and pedagogical competences of students. The article analyzes the conceptual ideas of Y. Korcak about the image of the teacher, about the self-worth of childhood, love for children, the search for harmonization of interaction in the world of childhood and the world of adults, which contribute to its better implementation. The necessity of popularization and continuity of ideas of humanistic pedagogy of Y. Korcak and its methodology in modern education is stressed. The author pays special attention to pedagogical heritage from the position of leading scientists of modern times who develop the ideas of the teacher, analyze the problems of theory and practice of education in the pedagogical concept of Y. Korchak. The author ‘s vision of practical significance of the study of historical and pedagogical heritage revealing the main provisions of the pedagogical concept and the modern context of the pedagogy of Janusz Korcak is justified. The updating of humanistic ideas reflects conceptual aspects of the study of the historical and pedagogical heritage of teachers of the past in modern conditions by organizing an international competition of research and creative works of students “In the world of wise thoughts of domestic and foreign scientists-teachers”. The author ‘s project (contest) reveals the humanistic potential of using the pedagogical heritage of the past in the educational process of the university as an innovative regulation of scientific creativity of students.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |