Medvedev P.V., Fedotov V.A. NEW MECHANISMS FOR QUALITY MANAGING OF BAKERY PRODUCTSToday, the system of evaluation of technological qualities of wheat-based indicators of the nature, grain hardness, ash, “numbers fall”, the quantity and quality of gluten, therefore there is a necessity of considering multiple factors in the formation of quality of wheat products. Therefore, an important task of the baking industry is to minimize the analyzed factors of quality formation to improve the prognostic ability of consumer properties of bakery products. Its solution can be achieved by developing production solutions for managing the quality of bakery products by establishing certain technological parameters of production on the basis of information about the quality of wheat flour used. The aim of the study was to study the influence of physical and chemical parameters of wheat grain on the formation of the quality of bakery products and, on the basis of the discovered patterns, the development of methodological approaches to quality management of bakery products. 13 popular varieties of wheat grown in the Orenburg region were milled at the laboratory mill Nagema to obtain flour of 1 grade. Flour produced a laboratory wheat bread-sponge method. As managing technology parameter of production in the production of bread used the rate of humidity of the dough. Prepared sponge samples with humidity from 41 to 72 % in increments of 1 %. As a physico-chemical indicator of grain quality, with a high degree of importance determining the baking quality of flour, grain hardness index was used, which was determined by the PMT-3 microhardometer. It is established that information about the hardness of grain can be used to control the quality of finished products. Control is possible by selecting a certain humidity sponge in the sponge method of dough preparation.Key words: wheat bread, control systems, quality formation, grain hardness, bakery products.
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About this article
Authors: Medvedev P.V., Fedotov V.A.
Year: 2018
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |