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April 2018, № 4 (216), pages 23-30

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-216-23

Voronina Yu.V. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF PROFESSIONAL READINESS OF THE TEACHER FOR REALIZATION OF FGOS OF THE GENERAL EDUCATIONStrict requirements from society are imposed to the modern teacher and the states connected with large-scale cultural changes. Reforming of system of school education happens in the course of introduction of the new federal state educational standards (FSES). Successful realization of FGOS of the general education directly depends on the level of professional readiness of the teacher.
Problems of formation of professional readiness of the teacher of modern school for realization of FGOS are generally focused on preparation him to realization of the new labor functions defined in the professional standard of the teacher. Besides the created knowledge and abilities at the teacher valuable and semantic installations to modern educational strategy, understanding of importance of the changes happening in school, desire to work in new conditions have to be created. Emphasis in the course of formation of professional readiness of the modern teacher only on theoretical and practical preparation can’t be rather effective and contradicts activity approach. An important and backbone component is the motivational and personal component of professional readiness: understanding the teacher of value of the introduced innovations (first of all valuable and semantic installations of new standards of school), the importance of his professional activity.
The author has presented a matrix of assessment of level of professional readiness of the teacher for realization of FGOS of the general education which can be used for development of methodical diagnostic aids and self-diagnostics of the modern teacher of school. And also will allow to determine the level of professional readiness of the teacher for realization of FGOS of the general education.
Process of formation of professional readiness of the teacher for realization of FGOS of the general education will be influenced by various difficulties of the teacher: world outlook deficiencies, znaniyevy deficiencies, deficiencies of activity. The set of difficulties when forming professional readiness of the teacher for realization of FGOS of the general education is defined, first of all, by professional and personal features of each teacher.
Key words: professional readiness of the teacher, federal state educational standards of the general education, classification of professional difficulties of the teacher.


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About this article

Author: Voronina Yu.V.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-216-23

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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