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September 2016, № 9 (197)

Tropynina T.S., Ivanova E.A., Vafina G.H., Ivanov R.S. LOCALIZATION OF ARG-X PROTEASE-SENSITIVE ZONES IN THE BLOCKS OF «ACIDIC» AND «GRADIENT OF BASIC PROTEINS» OF THE SUPRASTRUCTURES OF THE POPULATION OF CELLS IN THE LIFE CYCLE OF E. COLICurrently, the issues of the biochemical mechanisms in the realization of genetic information in the cell pass in the category of the consideration of supramolecular chemistry, that is, “the chemistry of programmed bearing the information molecules.” It is known a prokaryotic cell nucleoid is a management development center. It is dominated control center where focused programmed supramolecular systems responsible for molecular and supramolecular ontogenesis and morphogenesis of the cells and its populations. One of the oldest and responsive to environmental influence is the system of proteolysis-processing. In this regard, our interest was focused on the localization of arginine zones. According to some reports, only this amino acid has the ability to recognize any guanine and thymine and directly bind to DNA. These data are necessary for the system analysis of gene networks in the regulation of complex bioprocesses. A convenient model for this purpose was the presentation of the cells in the form of heteropolymer: bakterioplasm, loosely and tightly bound with the cell residue (CR) and the actual CR; suprastructure organization where the longest and flexible polymer is the DNA at which the proteomics of nucleoid realize subprograms of development with the participation of Arg-X processing. It have been identified the ratio of “acidic” and “gradient of basic proteins”; it have been isolated from them trypsin-like proteases as well as it have been shown the localization of Arg-X processing zones in the supra-heteropolymeric organization, spatial-temporal phases of growth of the population of the life cycle cells of E. coli.Key words: Escherichia coli, suprastructures, arginine, proteolysis.


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About this article

Authors: Tropynina T.S., Ivanova E.A., Vafina G.H., Ivanov R.S.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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