Osmolovskaya I.M., Ivanova E.O. DEVELOPMENT OF DIDACTIC RESEARCH IN RUSSIA [№ 4 ' 2022] The research outlines promising areas for the development of didactic research: the problems of designing the learning process in higher education, corporate education, the specifics and interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education, and the education of people of silver age. The importance of the didactic substantiation of additional education, including the work of technology parks of universal pedagogical competencies in pedagogical universities, the use of information and communication technologies in the learning process, is noted. From the standpoint of the formation of the content of education within the framework of competence-based and value-semantic approaches, continuous pedagogical education is considered. There are three groups of universal pedagogical competencies that reflect the values and meanings of the teacher’s activity: in relation to the child (anthropocentric UPC); to the environment (social UPC); to the profession (acmeological UPC). Didactic principles are revealed, on which the content of education is based, aimed at the formation of anthropocentric CPC, such as continuity by levels of education; variability, providing a value-semantic context; subject orientation; professional activity orientation. The level dynamic content of continuous education for one of the anthropological UPC, created on the basis of the ideas of concept-oriented learning, is presented. Questions have been raised whether the learning process is changing dramatically in the conditions of the information and educational environment, what didactic problems have to be solved in the lesson using information and communication technologies, what is the didactic justification for distance, blended and hybrid learning, how is a digital textbook designed?
Bekpergenova A.V., Khlopko Y.A., Ivanova E.V., Perunova N.B. FORMATION OF ASSOCIATIONS OF OBLIGATE-ANAEROBIC BACTERIA OF THE GUT HUMAN [№ 9 ' 2017] Examination of infection as a form of symbiotic relationship between microorganisms and humans allowed to substantiate the idea of infection as a model system of associative symbiosis. Microsymbiocenosis is one of the vectors of associative symbiosis, where the formation of associations of microorganisms with different types of bonds takes place. A significant contribution to understanding infectious symbiology has been made by new methodological approaches using the persistent potential of microbes in the evaluation of microsymbiocenosis. The study of the mechanisms of intermicrobial interactions has shown that the basis of the formation of microsymbiocenosis is the relationship that determines the nature of the relationship — synergistic and antagonistic. Since the results of the in vitro experiments revealed that under the action of supernatants, both the increase and decrease in biological properties occur to varying degrees, and there is no change in the indices studied (indifferent effect), to obtain synergistic and antagonistic relationships, the resulting factual material was processed with discriminant analysis, which integrated the investigated properties: growth properties, biofilm formation, antilisozime activity. This made it possible to single out associations with a “synergistic” type of bond: B.šbifidumš/ B.šlongum; B.šlongumš/ E.šlimosum; E.šlimosumš/ B.šfragillis; C.šperfringensš/ B.šfragilis and “antagonistic” — E.šlimosumš/ C.šperfringens. In natural conditions, the vast majority of microorganisms exist in the form of associations, the formation of which gives a certain advantage to members of the microbial community when surviving in various biotopes of the human body. The carried out researches made it possible to establish that in addition to the growth properties in the associations of obligate anaerobic bacteria, there is a change in biological properties (biofilm formation, antilisozime activity) that make up the system-forming factor of microsymbiocenosis, which contributes to understanding the mechanisms of the formation of associative symbiosis of man and can make a difference in the development of microbial compositions of new synbiotics.
Gostev A.N., Kobseva N.I., Ivanova O.A. TEACHING KONFLIKTOGENS E-LEARNING IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL STUDIES [№ 5 ' 2017] In an era of innovation modern society received a new tool for its movement towards a more perfect existenceš— digital technology. Digital means of finding, selecting, collecting, storing, processing, aggregation, sharing, information dissemination improved means of production, modernize all spheres of human activity, including education. Electronic means of information sharing technology allows to update all forms of learning, greatly facilitate access to human resources, public knowledge of how to create, and destroy. The results of the observation of educational practice show that such training has konfliktogeny system, which inevitably projected onto the culture of vocational training of the Russian youth. The results of the observation of social practice show that all modern states konfliktogeny relayed to the education system. Today, there are so many that without the use of electronic media in teaching, they cannot be effectively and promptly resolved. For example, information technology reduces the standard of training costs, slow down or stop the migration of young people to big cities and more. The article presents a sociological analysis of pedagogical eLearning contentious. One of the key is education and education and the educational process. This conclusion is supported by results of specific sociological studies conducted inš2016 and tested in a number of scientific meetings, including at the international scientific conference “Social engineering Moscow higher education” Marchš15, 2016. The positive impact of e-learning is directly dependent on three factors: the quality of training of the teaching staff, the reliability and availability of knowledge and motivation of participants of the educational process.
Ivanova S.V. PROBLEMS OF IMPROVEMENT OF SYSTEM OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES OF MANAGEMENT OF PROTECTION AND USE OF FAUNA [№ 4 ' 2017] In the decision of problems of maintenance of rational use and protection of fauna the role of the government is great. The role of public administration in the protection and rational use of wildlife is determined by the importance of state bodies in the mechanism for the protection of wildlife. Thus, at present a large number of state bodies, to a greater or lesser extent, exercise powers in the field of the protection and use of wildlife. However, there is no single stable system of state bodies in this sphere. The transfer of federal authority to the level of the subjects did not bring significant results. In order to optimize the current system of government in the protection and use of wildlife, it is proposed to develop the following model for the organization of the system of public administration. In the structure of Rosprirodnadzor of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, it is expedient to set up the Department for the Protection and Use of Wildlife (Okhotdepartament). At the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Territorial Departments for the Protection and Use of Wildlife (Okhotupravleniya) will be subordinate to the Okhotdepartament. In fact, it is intended to transfer powers for the protection and use of wildlife (hunting resources and non-hunting objects) from the regional administration to the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management and its territorial bodies. Of course, this model requires further development, but in our opinion will lead to the following positive results: a unified procedure for resolving issues on the sustainable use and conservation of wildlife will be established; funding for conservation and use of wildlife will increase.
Ustselemova N.A., Ivanova E.A. SPORTS ACTIVITY AS MEANS OF FORMATION IN THE FUTURE BACHELOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL STABILITY [№ 3 ' 2017] The needs of the society in highly qualified specialists working at the level of world standards, stipulate high requirements to the qualities and personality characteristics formed in the process of education. In the practice of education, the role of physical culture and sports activity in the process of physical education as a means of forming a professional culture for future bachelors in physical education is insufficiently substantiated, which determined the significance of our research. The effectiveness of the formation of future professional bachelors in the physical culture of professional sustainability is ensured by the active involvement of students in the process of physical culture and sports and subjective factors. The motivation of students is enhanced by understanding the spiritual value of classes, developing cognitive abilities in the process of physical culture and sports. This is achieved through an increase in the information-educational orientation of educational and extra-curricular forms of physical exercise. This approach to the lessons provides an opportunity to successfully solve a number of important training tasks, namely, to develop skills of self-organization, self-regulation and self-control, which, according to our observations, characterizes their professional stability. The analysis of the obtained results showed that the positive changes in the structural components of the professional stability of future bachelors of physical culture and the level of formation of the studied quality are expressed in the development of professionally important qualities of future bachelors of physical culture, the ability to act properly directly in the educational and professional activities, the frequency of application of various means and forms Physical education during the passage of practice, the creative use of acquired knowledge, skills in the organization and conduct of athletic and sporting events.
Sakharova N.S., Ivanova S.G., Dmitrieva E.V. SEMANTIC IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRUCTURE “TO BE áBOUT TO” IN THE ENGLISH FICTION (DIACHRONIC ASPECT) [№ 1 ' 2017] Semantic implementation of the combination “to be about to” is considered in the diachronic aspect for the period from the XVI to the XXšcentury. The comparison of semantically similar structures “to be on the point (verge) ofš+ gerund”, “to be goingš+ infinitive” can be used to identify synonymity, stability and compatibility of these structures. Structure analysis was done on the basis of the original literary texts. The study showed that in the XVIšcentury the structure “to be aboutš+ infinitive” used in the subordinate clauses conveys the value of the nearest prospectivity. The structure frequency of “to be aboutš+ infinitive” in the èVIIIšcentury slightly increased as compared to the XVIšcentury. Structures “to be aboutš+ infinitive” and “to be on the point ofš+ gerund” have the meaning of the nearest prospectivity with the modality of unfulfilled intentions. The list of verbs, the infinitive of which is used in the structure “to be goingš+ infinitive” (not only verbs denoting action, but also process, state and movement) expanded in the XXšcentury in comparison with the èVIIIšcentury. The structure “to be going + infinitive” became more frequently used in the twentieth century as compared to the èVIIIšcentury. Significant changes took place in its semantics due to derestriction of structural and semantic limitations that existed in the èVIIIšcentury. The research revealed that the structures “to be aboutš+ infinitive” and “to be on the point ofš+ gerund” possess a certain semantic stability. The structures “to be about + infinitive”, “to be on the point (verge) ofš+ gerund” convey the meaning of future actions, the implementation of which has already begun or is expected. The structure “to be goingš+ infinitive” expresses an intention of the future action implementation. The semantic and structural possibilities of grammatical structure “to be goingš+ infinitive” have been expanded.
Tropynina T.S., Ivanova E.A., Vafina G.H., Ivanov R.S. LOCALIZATION OF ARG-X PROTEASE-SENSITIVE ZONES IN THE BLOCKS OF «ACIDIC» AND «GRADIENT OF BASIC PROTEINS» OF THE SUPRASTRUCTURES OF THE POPULATION OF CELLS IN THE LIFE CYCLE OF E. COLI [№ 9 ' 2016] Currently, the issues of the biochemical mechanisms in the realization of genetic information in the cell pass in the category of the consideration of supramolecular chemistry, that is, “the chemistry of programmed bearing the information molecules.” It is known a prokaryotic cell nucleoid is a management development center. It is dominated control center where focused programmed supramolecular systems responsible for molecular and supramolecular ontogenesis and morphogenesis of the cells and its populations. One of the oldest and responsive to environmental influence is the system of proteolysis-processing. In this regard, our interest was focused on the localization of arginine zones. According to some reports, only this amino acid has the ability to recognize any guanine and thymine and directly bind to DNA. These data are necessary for the system analysis of gene networks in the regulation of complex bioprocesses. A convenient model for this purpose was the presentation of the cells in the form of heteropolymer: bakterioplasm, loosely and tightly bound with the cell residue (CR) and the actual CR; suprastructure organization where the longest and flexible polymer is the DNA at which the proteomics of nucleoid realize subprograms of development with the participation of Arg-X processing. It have been identified the ratio of “acidic” and “gradient of basic proteins”; it have been isolated from them trypsin-like proteases as well as it have been shown the localization of Arg-X processing zones in the supra-heteropolymeric organization, spatial-temporal phases of growth of the population of the life cycle cells of E. coli.
Ivanova S.G., Dmitrieva E.V., Sakharova N.S. THE APPLICATION OF THE PODCASTING TECHNIQUE IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING PROCESS AT THE UNIVERSITY [№ 2 ' 2016] The main objective in the foreign language teaching at the higher educational establishment is the formation of cultural competence of students, which involves the ability and willingness to various kinds of communication, including the business one. The teaching methods should be directed to the formation of cognitive-communicative competence, sustainable motivation to the process of learning. In the modern information society "multimedia learning" plays a significant role in the educational process at the University. The method of creating and using podcasts (as one of the types of multimedia learning) turns the student from an object into a subject of training, stimulates his creativity, willingness to apply knowledge in practice. Podcasting requires from a student the basic knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to select and logically arrange linguistic material. The teacher acts as a mentor, guides and corrects educational activity of the student. Integration of teacherš— student collaboration is a fundamental principle of the podcast technique. As teaching practice shows, the podcast technique has a significant impact on the development of students' cognitive-communicative competence and is an effective means of creating a sustainable motivation of trainees and provides a great opportunity in foreign language subject-related teaching. Use of media must be properly dosed and combined with other learning methods and must complement each other.
Ivanova A.P., Safiullina L.M., Mansurova G.R., Petukhova A.P., Sukhanova N.V., Zakirova M.B., Muratova K.R. THE FIRST INFORMATION ABOUT THE SPECIES COMPOSITION OF SOIL ALGAE AND CYANOBACTERIA FROM THE MURTYKTY FIELD DEPOSIT OF "BASHKIR GOLD MINING COMPANY" (UCHALINSKII DISTRICT, REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN) [№ 10 ' 2015] The species composition of soil algae and cyanobacteria from the Murktykty field deposit (the Uchalinsky region, the Republic of Bashkortostan) was studied. There were found 38šspecies and intraspecific taxons belonging to 5šdivisions of them: Chlorophytaš— 53š% (20štaxa), Cyanoprokaryotaš— 26š% (10štaxa), Bacillariophytaš— 8š% (3štaxa), Ochrophytaš— 8š% (3štaxa), Charophytaš— 5š% (2štaxa). The taxonomic and ecological structures of algae flora were considered. The leading taxons and the most often found species were revealed. The dominant species: division of Chlorophytaš— Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck, Bracteacoccus minor (Chodat) Petrova, division of Cyanoprokaryotaš— Leptolyngbya foveolarum (Rabenhorst ex Gomont) of Anagnostidis et KomÂrek and Trichocoleusšcf. hospitus (Hahsgirg ex Gomont) of Anagnostidis. Divisions: Bacillariophyta, Ochrophyta and Charophyta were characterized by a low specific diversity. Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) of Grunow in Cleve & Grunow had the highest incidence in the samples from the field from them. The analysis of life forms in decreasing order of number of the species defined the following range of ecobiomorphs: Ch17P9X4B3H3N1C1 with prevalence of the coccoid algaeš— ubiquistic relating to the Ch-form and the xerothytic of representatives of the P-form. The analysis of percentage ratio of the identified species of divisions from the territory of the field was carried out. The greatest specific variety was observed in the test №š6 (control), the lowest was revealed in the test №š5 (boulders of the old dump). Floristic similarity of samples was analyzed by applying Serensena-Czekanovskii coefficient which showed lower level of similarity taxonomic composition of floras. High value of coefficient was in the tests №š1 andš3 (50š%). Low value (9š%) was between test №4 with other tests.
Khardikova S.V., Verkhoshentsev J.P., Tikhonova M.A., Mursalimova G.R., Ivanova E.A., Turmukhambetova A.S. EKOLOGO-FIZIOLOGICHESKIE ASPECTS OF INFLUENCE OF HUMIC PREPARATIONS ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF SAPLINGS OF GRAPES FROM THE TRUNCATED SHANKS [№ 10 ' 2015] Results of researches on influence of humic preparations on growth and development of saplings of grapes from the truncated shanks are given in article. As object of research saplings of grapes of grades Russian early and Agathe Donskoy served. From humic preparations applied: organo-mineral fertilizer a humate of Prompter potassium and complex fertilizer on the basis of a potassium humate with macro — and microcells. Time in 10šdays carried out watering of saplings solutions of these preparations. In total for the experimental period made 6 waterings. Having watered saplings it was carried out as required. Frequency of experience 3-fold, on 100šsaplings in each option. In control option saplings watered. Researches showed that introduction of humic preparations had positive impact on formation processes, both root system, and land part of saplings of grapes from the truncated shanks which are grown up in climatic conditions of South Ural. Under the influence of humic preparations at skilled plants the increase in the following indicators is noted: quantity of roots of the first and second orders; length and diameter of a root; length and diameter of escape; quantity of leaves on escape; area of a sheet plate. The greatest effect is gained from watering by a humic preparation on the basis of a calcium humate with macro- and microcells. It is caused by that this fertilizer besides a humate of potassium contains still a complex necessary for a plant macro- and microcells. The made experiment shows that application of humic preparations at the accelerated reproduction of grapes in the conditions of South Ural significantly increases quality of landing material.
Bukharin O.V., Chelpachenko O.E., Perunova N.B., Ivanova E.V., Andryuschenko S.V. EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL BASIS OF SELECTION BY ANTIMYCOTIC PHYTODRUGS [№ 3 ' 2015] The use of antilysozyme and lipolytic activity as biotarget allowed to select herbs with maximum inhibitory effect of biological properties C.albicans: Artemisia absinthium L., Rosa cinnamomea L. infusions and Juniperus communis L., Citrus limon burm., Dianthus, Melissa officinalis Chaix. É Aloe arborescens mill aromatic substances. Conducted clinical laboratory studies have shown the efficacy of selected herbal drugs, which manifestated by reducing the frequency of intestinal dysbiosis with C.albicans hypercolonization by patients with CTD and decrease frequency somatic diseases in research group,and proved the possibility of using this method of selection antimycotic drugs.
Ivanov A.N. CREATION OF OPTIMAL CONDITIONS BY ND-YAG LASER DESTRUCTION BEFORE VITRECTOMY [№ 12 ' 2014] The article is aimed to present a variant of Nd:YAG LASER treatment of vitreous body pathology (Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis), capable to destroy vitreous body's synechia, to eliminate the development of synechioformation, to cause lyses of vitreous body's conglomerates before vitrectomy in haemophthalmos. 251 patients with hemophthalm underwent (power from 0,8 up to 9,2 mJ, quantity of impulses 2–150, 3–30 courses of laser treatment). Nd:YAG laser treatment has led to the destruction vitreous body's synechia and blood conglomerates, lyses and dilution of vitreous body according to ultrasonic examination (more than 80š% in 184 cases). Secondary hemorrhage occurred in 31 case (12,4š%). Hemolytic effect of Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis was seen as well in cases of laser treatment without impulse shots. After laser treatment 25G vitrectomy was performed.
Sakharova N.S., Ivanova S.G., Dmitrieva E.V. VARIABILITY OF ASPECT-TENSE FORMS IN PROSPECTIVE MEANING IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (DIACHRONIC ASPECT) [№ 11 ' 2014] This article describes microsystem of aspect-tense forms in prospective meaning from the point of view of semantic syntax. The main point deals with the diachronic aspect of the variability of aspect-tense forms.
Ivanova A.P., Piskareva T.I., Mejueva L.V., Gunko V.V. MATHEMATICAL MODEL STRUCTURIZATION OF DOMINANT PROCESS INDICATORS [№ 9 ' 2014] The article deals with a block diagram of a mathematical model of the mixing process that enabled him physically in the laboratory, taking into account the degree of relevance parameters providing scientific prediction and planning results.
Sivozhelezova O.K., Ivanov K.M. THE QUALITY OF THE LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH THE CHRONIC HEART INSUFFICIENCY AND THE DESTRUCTIVE FORMS OF THE SYNDROME OF THE DIABETIC FOOT [№ 6 ' 2014] Indicators of quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure and the diabetes 2 types complicated by a syndrome of diabetic foot with application of a questionnaire of SF-36 are studied. Quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure is reduced more at the expense of a psychological component, whereas patients with a syndrome of diabetic foot owing to restriction of physical activity.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |