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July 2015, № 7 (182)

Hamidullin N.R. "TEACHER, EDUCATOR, POLITICIAN" IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATIONEducation in the modern "Sociology of education" is presented as a layered system, which characterizes the process of formation of knowledge among young people, the quality of citizenship, independence, ability to work and life, patriotism and other Humanistic nature of education determines the relationships between all participants in the educational process. The main link in the educational process is teacher who is using a variety of pedagogical technologies, ensures the growth of students " knowledge and prepares them for practical professional activity, showing the elements of balance, moderation, self-control and sensing of a student as he is. In the modern system of education as never demanded an educational effect on the part of the teacher in relation to the learners, it is necessary to develop the algorithm of the elements of education taking into account a wide range of psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the trainees. It is important to have a certain educational tools. These could be, for example: autobiography and response (for the first course — option school, for subsequent documents issued by the curators of student groups). Ownership of primary information is especially important in the educational process. Curators of student groups are encouraged to conduct psycho-pedagogical diary, systematically producing entries that reflect the ideological position of trainees, dispositions and motives of behaviour, attitudes to learning and to others, and so on. In the sociology of education the concept of "teacher", "teacher", "policies" are interrelated. The teacher is advisable to possess certain qualities policy. This does not mean direct participation in public policy, there is no need to have a high oratorical art, first of all, you must be an active participant in the political life of society, to have a direct relation to significant socio-political and economic problems. Pedagogical methods of interaction between teacher and learners, the ability to join a student group, to inspire and to persuade them of the correctness of group and individual judgments, as direct participants in political life, as well as the ability to motivate the trainees to act in the interests of the state, define a teacher as a subject of policy.Key words: sociology of education, teacher, teacher, education, educational system, educational process, worldviews, humane character, citizenship, policy, public interest, social and political processes.


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About this article

Author: Hamidullin N.R.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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