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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Shleiuk S.G. ARTISTIC INTERPRETATION OF THE STYLE OF THE DECORATIVE ELEMENTS IN THE PROVINCE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG)The process of adaptation of the style in the province gives the possibility to reconstruct a more complete and accurate picture of the development of cultural and artistic treasures with regard to local specifics. The turn of XIX—XX centuries in the border multinational Orenburg was active in the construction of architectural monuments in art Nouveau style. Maintaining ideological stylistic content of modernity, erecting buildings Orenburg synthesized in a constructive and decorative filling local traditions with elements of the new style. Critical to the functional-structural and decorative-applied solution of architectural monuments provided in addition to local climatic conditions, social and national composition of the population, nature, local traditions — the identity of the particular customer, characterized by the type of building and its placement within the city. So, if in the construction of architectural structures the design part was done by a professional architect, as a rule, the building had good funding, was located in the Central part of the city, was often social, administrative functions, and its architectural and decorative solution was an artistic interpretation of the style, as close to the benchmark. Completely different level of style formation in the province is owned by private buildings, merchant houses, which are located at a distance from the center. Here are the basis of local construction and artistic traditions that persist for a long time almost unchanged, which gradually incorporated new styles applied decorative elements. On the material of modern architecture in the city of Orenburg in the article the comparative analysis and graphical reconstruction of decorative ornamental motifs of buildings of various types, located in the Central part and the periphery.Key words: style, stylization, province, artistic interpretation, architecture, design, ornament.


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About this article

Author: Shleyuk S.G.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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