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2013, № 11 (160)

Abramova Е.К. SYNTAX PARAMETERS OF SENTENCES WITH THE MARKERS OF MISUNDERSTANDING (ON THE MATERIAL OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE)This article deals with syntax parameters of sentences with the markers of misunderstanding. The author analyzes the communicative nature of these sentences with explicit and implicit signals of misunderstanding. Key words: misunderstanding, explicit and implicit markers of misunderstanding, syntax parameters of french sentence.


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2. Vasil'eva А.N. Art speech. — М.: Ruskij yazyk, 1983. — 256 p.

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9. Anouilh J. The Wild. Invitation to the castle. — P.: Edision de la Tabl Rond, 1960. — 434 p.

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12. Beauvoir S. de The young lady's memoirs. — P.: Edision Gallimar, 1958. — 368 p.

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15. Butor M. The change. — P.: Edision de minuit, 1957. — 238 p.

16. Druon M. The big families. Roman. — P.: Edision Maurice Druon, 1966. — 384 p.

17. Laffitte J. Rose France. — M.: Edision an lang etranger, 1953. — 248 p.

18. Maurois A. The roses of september. — L.: Edision Prosvйstchйniй, 1977. — 144 p.

19. Merle R. The Week-end in Zuydcoote. — L.: Edision Prosvйschйniй, 1972. — 176 p.

20. Modern french novel in the XXth century. — M.: Edision du Progre, 1981. — 496 p.

21. Robles E. The cruise. — M.: Edision Prosvйstchйniй, 1982. — 144 p.

22. Sabatier R. The Saint farce. Roman. — P.: Edision Albin Michel, 1960. — 368 p.

23. Sabatier R. The children of summer. Roman. — P.: Edision Albin Michel, 1978. — 318 p.

24. Sarraute N. The golden fruits. — P.: Edision Gallimar, 1963. — 232 p.

25. Simenon G. The first Maigret's enquiry. — M.: Edision de l'Ekol Superior, 1981. — 109 p.

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28. Modern french theatre. Book 2. — M.: Edision du Progre, 1969. — 444 p.

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30. Troyat H. Family Eygletiere. P. III. The rot. — M.: Edision de l'Ekol Superior, 1981. — 181 p.

31. Vailland R. Beautiful Mask. Roman. — M.: Edision an lang etranger, 1960. — 368 p.

About this article

Author: Abramova E.K.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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