Shakirova D.U. EDUCATIONAL METHOD COMPLEX ON DISCIPLINE "LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY" AS THE FACTOR OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE OF THE STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITYMathematical sciences play enormous role in the education of contemporary competitive specialist, allowing to it the apparatus for experiment and the logic of the construction of design activity. In the article the author examines basic questions of the construction of the educational methods complex of mathematical disciplines within the framework of the standard of higher education of the third generation. She bases the value of educational method complex on discipline "linear algebra and analytical geometry" as the factor of the development of the cognitive independence of the students of university. Key words: mathematical disciplines, educational method complex, the cognitive independence of student, mathematical tasks.
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About this article
Author: Shakirova D.U.
Year: 2010
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |