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№ 6 2008

Humanitarian sciences

Boeva S.A. KHARUKI MURAKAMI AS A MASTER OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION This article is devoted to the regarding of creative work of modern Japanese writer Kharuki Murakami from the point of view of intercultural communication. The analysis of intertextuality revealed in his works at the end of XX century is given in this article. Leading style paradigm of the writer stimulated entry of modern Japanese literature into the world cultural context is retraced here.
Orlova E.V. TO THE QUESTION OF CULTUROLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THEATRICAL AREA Theatrical area as a culturological category which is characterized with time, spatial length, valuable bases and dual specificity is analyzed in this article. Methodological base of research was composed with analytical, structural-functional, systemic and comparative methods.
Lyubichankovsky A.V. GEOGRAPHICAL AND CULTUROLOGICAL APPROACHES TO OBJECTS’ DIFFERENTIATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGEIn this article it is shown that extremely wide approach to the objects’ differentiation of cultural heritage is their division at methods of world mastering. Other approaches, including culturological and geographical, are particular. They work just in frames of solution of definite problems and tasks.
Pisarchik T.P. EARLIER IDEAS OF V.S. PISARCHIK ABOUT SOPHIA AND STUDY ABOUT ABSOLUTE ORIGINAL The earlier variant of ideas about Sofia and study about absolute original of the most famous philosopher – V.S. Soloviev is regarded in this article. The greatest thinker worked out the deep and original ideas about absolute original in its two poles and two absolutes (the carnival and Sophia).
Uvarov A.A. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF LEGAL REGULATION OF CONDUCTION SUBJECTS AND AUTHORITY OF BODIES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT As a result of analysis of points of Federal Law dated October 06, 2003 “About general principals of local authorities organization in the Russian Federation” and other normative legal acts in this article the regularities and interactions of legal regulation of conduction subjects and authorities of bodies of local government are revealed. The author notes some separate contradictions and flaws of legal regulation of these relations and on the base of his own theoretical views suggests measures of current legislation perfection.
Orlovskaya (Kuznetsova) O.V. MANAGEMENT OF PERSONNEL WORK EFFECTIVENESS IN THE SYSTEM OF A BIG COMPANY MANAGEMENTThe conception of management of personnel work effectiveness is regarded in this article and also possibility of its introduction into the system of a big Russian company are analyzed here. The author gives results of researches of the world and Russian practice of using of personnel work effectiveness conception in companies and distinguishes and characterizes the instruments, promoted the increase of company activity effectiveness.

Economic sciences

Gerasimov T.A. FORMING OF ECONOMIC MOTIVATION OF ENERGY CONSERVATION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES SUBJECTS OF INDEPENDENT MUNICIPAL FORMATION BY THE USE OF PARTICIPATION IN INVESTMENT PROJECT The process of forming of economic motivation of energy conservation of housing and communal services subjects of independent municipal formation by the use of measures conducting of introduction of more exact instrument accounting and measures of energy conservation is regarded in this article and also the real economy got owing to these measures conducting is determined here.
Gorbunov V.G. HUMAN CAPITAL AS A BASE OF COMPETITIVENESS INCREASE OF SCIENCE INTENSIVE ENTERPRISE The leading role of human capital in forming of long-term, competitive advantages of science intensive enterprises is shown in this article. Peculiarities of working out of investment projects connected with forming and use of human capital of science intensive enterprise are regarded here. Methodic approach allowing on the base of classification of enterprise personnel producing recommendations of human capital forming and its using for achievement of long-term competitive advantages is suggested in this work.
Mozolkova O.V. MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS PLACE IN ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT Developing theory and practice of native management accounts, its approachment with foreign accounts evokes necessity of revision of traditional ideas and approaches to the system of management accounts and economic management analysis, and also the place of management accounts in organizational structure of enterprise management. Distinguishing of independent management accounts and analysis allows more exact managing resources and costs, orienting them on final results: production volume, profit and margin.
Smagin S.V. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AS A BASE OF PROGRAMS OF ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AND RECONSTRUCTION ON THE EXAMPLE OF OAO "GAI PLANT OF NONFERROUS MACHINING "SPLAV" (OAO "GPNFM "SPLAV" GAI, ORENBURG REGION)The definition of economy activity analysis of enterprise is given and aims of its conducting are revealed in this article. The indexes of production activity of OAO "GPNFM "Splav" are researched in dynamics of last years. At results of conducted financial analysis the conclusion about impossibility of paying capacity restoration at the expense of internal funds is made. In connection with it the program of enterprise development and reconstruction at 2007-2015 was worked out, where the data of this financial analysis were put.
Maslennikova A.Yu. DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGEMENT CONSULTING AS A TYPE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY IN RUSSIA (ON THE EXAMPLE OF URAL FEDERAL OKRUG)The questions of management consulting development as a type of entrepreneurial activity are regarded in this article and also the essence of consulting, its forms, problems and peculiarities of development in Ural Federal Okrug are revealed.
Utkina N.V., Semerkova L.N. ANALYSIS OF PRICES LEVEL AND STRUCTURE FORMED WITH CANALES OF PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONThe questions connected with the process of pricing of industrial enterprise used indirect canales of distribution are regarded in this article. Mathematical model and algorithm of task solution of analysis of prices level and structure are given here, and also the example of concrete practical task solution is regarded.
Fot N.P. STATISTIC METHODS OF CREDITWORTHINESS APPRAISAL The possibility of using of multidimentional statistic analyses methods at creditworthiness appraisal of borrower in commercial banks is regarded in this article. Also the analysis of some regarded methods using to known credit histories is given here.

Natural sciences

Aminov P.G. STUDYING OF EPIPHYTOSUSPENSION STRUCTURE FOR INDICATION OF MINING TECHNOGENESIS The possibility to study ecological condition of water objects with using epiphytosuspension as an indicator of fouling is regarded in this article. Selection of hydrochemical tests and epiphytosuspension, analytical research with determination of wide complex of potentially toxic elements in selected tests were conducted. Water objects in nature and nature-anthropogenic landscapes with high level of anthropogenic loading were characterized.
Salnikov A.L. "DEGRADATION" AND CRISES PROCESSES OF VOLGA DELTA LANDSCAPES This article is devoted to the analysis and modern condition of Volga delta ecosystem. Phasing of crises processes behavior is regarded from the position of self-organization and crises theory and the analysis of crises phenomenon in Volga delta landscapes is conducted. Systemic model of crises process behavior in Volga delta was worked out in this article.
Kuvichkina M.V. MORPHOFUNCTIONAL INDEXES OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS STUDENTS FROM ANTHROPOGENIC POLLUTED REGIONS Complex studying of morphofunctional indexes of physical development of students of age groups: 9-10 years old, 12-13 years old, 15-16 years old, living in regions with different degree of anthropogenic pollution of atmospheric air, was conducted. Interaction between degree of chemical and radiation-chemical pollution of environment in the regions of living and changes of somatometrical indexes of students’ physical development was established.
Safonova V.Yu. SOME INDEXES OF ORGANISM RADIO-SENSITIVITY AND THEIR CORRECTION It is shown in the work that external prolonged g-radiation of low power causes slight leucocytopenia of laboratory animals. One-time influence of external radiation in LD60/30 sharply oppresses indexes of blood-making, immune and antioxidant systems of organism. Using of biological preparations as adaptogens promotes correction of hemopoiesis, cellular link of immunity and antioxidative processes of lethal irradiated rats.
Shubina O.S., Kireeva Yu.V. INFLUENCE OF LEAD INTOXICATION ON MORPHOFUNCTIONAL CONDITION OF SYSTEM OF PATIENT-FETUSThe authors studied the influence of lead intoxication on the system of patient-fetus in model experiment on rats with using of histological and electronic-microscopic methods.
Antonova E.I. INDEXES DYNAMICS OF CELLULAR CYCLE OF AMPHIBIAN HEPATOCYTES OF RANA TERRESTRIS TYPE, INDUCED WITH THERMAL STRESS AS MANIFESTATION OF PRIMARY COMPENSATORY-ADAPTIVE REACTION OF ORGANISM After the influence of hyperthermia on organism of Rana terrestris type amphibian quantitative indexes of hepatocyte DNA repulse primary manifestation of compensatory-adaptive reaction of organism – the level of DNA compaction is increased, the area of chromatin distribution and the area of nucleuses are decreased, metabolic depression is developed at the expense of decrease of hepatocyte number in S- and G2-M-stage of cellular cycle, the part of lost hepatocytes is increased and the activity of cuspaz 3 is increased. The correlation of hepatocytes loss way is 0,8 with predominance of propidiumiodid-positive hepatocytes under hoechst-positive.
Volkovskaya-Kurdyukova E.A., Kurdyukov A.B. RESULTS OF STUDYING OF LITTLE-USED AGRICULTURAL LANDS ORNITHOCOMPLEXES IN THE SOUTHERN SEASIDERestoration processes in nature ecosystems taking place at decrease of agriculture load lead to increase of ecological capacity of environment in the range of agrolandscapes. Characteristic of peculiarities of species composition and numbers of birds’ populations of little-used agricultural lands in the Southern seaside is given according to materials of accounts (2000-2005).
Rusanov A.M., Chepasov V.I., Smirnykh T.A., Kuryakova T.A. PARAMETRIC FORECASTING OF SOIL PARAMETERS AT DEFICIT OF BASIC DATA The method of parametric forecasting of soil parameters with using of ranged normalized matrixes of research constructed for different time countings is regarded in this article. The results with using of one-type and mixed ranking of normalized matrixes of research are given here.
Chepasov V.I., Kuryakova T.A., Nepsha A.A. SPECTRAL FORECASTING OF SOIL PARAMETERS The methods of spectral forecasting of soil parameters with using of unranked and ranked normalized matrixes of research constructed for different time countings are regarded in this article.
Polyakov V.E. SOME PECULIARITIES OF SANDPIPER’S NESTS LOCATION (CHARADRIFORMES, LIMICOLI) IN FOREST-STEPPE ZONE OF TRANS-URAL Interspecific differences in nests location of sandpipers 6 types at types of habitat, degree of hiding and distance to coastline of pond are analyzed in this article. Significant similarity in nests location is revealed at redshank and marsh sandpiper. Peculiarities of nests location of other types are different. The reasons of established differences in peculiarities of sandpipers’ nests location are discussed in this work.
Chichkov B.M., Lagunov A.V., Gilev A.V. ANTS OF FORMICA GENUS IN CHELYABINSK REGIONThe authors generalized faunistic information about ants of Fornica genus in Chelyabinsk region at more than century history of this question studying. At the present time 21 forms are known for the region.
Kalinkina V.A. PECULIARITIES OF LARGE VITAL CYCLE OF LUPINE-SHAPED CLOVER The characteristic of ontomorphogenesis of T. lupinaster L is given in this article. General age periods (latent, virginal, generative and senile) are described on the base of observations in conditions of culture and nature. Morphometric indexes of this type individuals on different stages of ontomorphogenesis are conducted in this work.

Technical sciences

Chepasov V.I., Osipov O.V. METHODS OF TRANSPORT PROCESS OPTIMIZATION ON THE BASE OF MODEL OF SCHEDULE COMPOSITING This article is devoted to the optimization of transport process on the base of model of schedule composing. The author suggests using of methods of correlation, regression, factor analysis for models constructing of linear regression, multiple nonlinear regression, and also models constructed with using of factor analysis. This method can be used for optimization of parameters of different transportation types with aim of financial expenditure minimization.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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