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№ 11 2007

Humanitarian sciences

Semenova O.V. ABOUT REFRAINS OF BERANZHE’S SONGSThe refrains of the great French poet Pier-Zhan Beranzhe’s songs are researched in this article at the following aspects: frequency, value, position in the text, autonomy, lexical filling, semantic functions, communicative status, peculiarities of subjective structure of texts and genre functioning of refrains.
Matyash S.A., Semenova O.V. "OLD TRAMP" ("LE VIEUX VAGABOND") OF P.-ZH. BERANZHE IN RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS OF XIX CENTURY The poem "Old tramp" ("Le vieux vagabond") of P.-Zh. Beranzhe and its three translations (F. Tyutchev, V. Kurochkin, M. Mikhailov) are analyzed in this article at genre aspect. As a result the corrections into interpretation of genre content of the original are included and the role of Beranzhe in forming of areal invective in the Russian soil is shown here.
Reutova S.N. TO THE QUESTION OF INVECTIVE GENRE GENESISOne of the aspects of invective genesis is regarded in this article as a genre. Invective is analyzed on the materials of Goratsy’s collections "Satyr" and "Epod" at the following characteristics: emotional trend, subject of statement, addressee, time.
Annenkova N.A. COMPOSITION OF M.YU. LERMONTOV’S INVECTIVE GENRE Composition of M.Yu. Lermontov’s invective genre is analyzed in this article at the first time. The elements of composition are regarded from the point of view of structural expressed address of the subject "I" to the addressee "you" with accounting of ternary composition of lyrical poem.
Zelyanskaya N.L. CULTURAL-SEMIOTIC AREA OF THE RUSSIAN PROSE AT 1850 YEARS IN THE CONTEXT OF EPOCHAL AESTHETIC PYRAMID TRANSFORMATIONThis article is devoted to the Russian prose at 1850 years as an area of cultural-semiotic transformations of aesthetic paradigm of an epoch. General vectors of semiotic changes from 40th years to 50th years of XIX century are connected with rethinking of gender preferences, axiological scale of personages’ characterology, and also with increase of structural-formative functions of literary methods and with forming of myth of national area.
Matyash S.A. GENRE OF INVECTIVE IN THE POETRY OF F.I. TYUTCHEV23 invectives are revealed in the poetry of F.I. Tytchev on the base of constant and dominate features of lyrical genre of invective established by the article’s author. They are regarded from the point of view of structure, typology and genesis in synchronistic and diachronic sections.
Bralina G.M. PECULIARITIES OF THE RUSSIAN INVECTIVE GENRE COMPOSITION IN THE MIDDLE OF XIX CENTURY Composition of the invective genre of the Russian poetry at 1840-1860 years is researched in this article; correlation of two compositional sections – plan of subject and plan of addressee is regarded and 4 compositional types are distinguished here.
Slon O.V. CYCLE COMPOSITION OF "LAST ELEGY" OF N.A. NEKRASOV Cycle composition of "Last elegy" of N.A. Nekrasov consisted with three poems is analyzed in this article. The structure of each poem is regarded here and its role in the cycle formation is determined.
Rumyuntseva V.N. METRIC REPERTOIRE OF POETIC FEUILLETONS IN THE MIDDLE OF XIX CENTURY This article is devoted to the analysis of metric repertoire of poetic feuilletons in the middle of XIX century (N.A. Nekrasov, V.S. Minaev, D.D. Minaev). Prosodical characteristics is regarded: from the point of view of common characteristic of metric picture of poetic feuilletons; in comparison with general background of the Russian metrics of XIX century; in comparison with metric picture of the poetry of "Iskra".
Afanasieva E.A. STRUCTURE OF INSERT CONSTRUCTIONS IN THE POETRY OF SASHA CHERNY Insert constructions of the eminent poet of XX century Sasha Cherny are researched in this article at the first time. The great attention is given to the structure of inserts: their size, place in written line, correlation of insert construction and rhyme.
Kudryavtseva O.S. NON-TRADITIONAL SATIRICAL NEWSPAPER GENRES The problem of new small genres appearance in our native newspaper satire on the example of satirical line of "Literary newspaper" is raised in this article. Conditions of their appearance and typological proximity with existed early such genres are determined here. Continuation of genre-neologisms life in some modern editions is shown in this work.
Dolin Yu.T. PREPOSITIONAL ADVERBS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (TO THE QUESTION STATEMENT)This article is devoted to the debatable and little-studied question in the Russian morphology – prepositional adverbs. On the large factual material the author proves that transformation not only of adverbs into the category of prepositions is possible in the grammatical system of the modern Russian language which is universally recognized in sciences of the Russian language, but also inverse process – transformation of some prototypal prepositions into the category of adverbs.
Belousov K.I., Zelyanskaya N.L. PHOBIC-RESEARCHES AS A TREND IN LINGUISTIC POLITICAL SCIENCE This article is devoted to the description of results of quantitative philological analysis of Russian mass media to the West.
Moiseeva I.Yu. DERIVATION MECHANISMS OF TEXT-FORMATION PROCESS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF TEXTS-PRIMITIVE INTERNET)This article is devoted to the studying of derivative mechanisms of text-formation process. General types of dynamic screen versions of text’s development activated relevant characteristics of this process are determined and derivation potential of syntactic approaches is established here. System and asystem language structures, and also derivation approaches which are optimal for organization of text-formation process, are revealed and analyzed in this work.
Boldyreva E.T. LANGUAGE FILLING OF RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH TEXTS STRUCTURE AT LINGUISTIC-SYNERGETIC ASPECT The results of language filling studying in the sphere of creative attractor of text structure in Russian and English are given in this article. The tendencies of distribution of prosodic information markers (final and nonfinal stops) are regarded here.
Lasitsa L.A. ABOUT INTERACTION OF TIME MARKERS IN RUSSIAN TEXTSThe methods of "time" category representation in Russian texts are regarded in this article and also correlated analysis of markers of temporality interaction is realized here.
Podtikhova E.A. COMPOSITION OF GRAPHIC AND VERBAL TEXT: PROBLEM OF TRANSFORMATION This article is devoted to the studying of composition transformation of graphic text into composition of verbal text at reproduction of graphic text in verbal text-reaction (description, interpretation).
Streneva N.V. PUNCTUATION IN GRAFFITIThe peculiarities of punctuation in graffiti are regarded in this article. The great attention is given to regularities of punctuation sings forming in graffiti and also to interaction of stops in a text.
Futoryansky L.I., Popov V.B. FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL-DEMOCRATIC PARTY DEPARTMENT IN ORENBURG PROVINCE AT THE PERIOD OF ELECTION COMPANY TO THE FIRST STATE DUMA This article takes up unknown pages of activity of biggest liberal party of Russian Empire - constitutional-democratic party in Orenburg province.
Shmelev V.D. RELIGIOUS RESEARCH OF EARLY I. KANT AND ZH.ZH. RUSSO Especially it is necessary to marked out works of Zh.Zh. Russo from the whole philosophical-theological heritage of French thinker influenced on works of young I. Kant. Works of that citizen of Geneva and Paris included answers on many topical questions of European life of XVIII century. At that historical period taken the lead West Europeans saw immediate task in destruction of feudal barriers existed many centuries and changing them by depersonalized and free bourgeois order.
Pavlov M.A. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS OF INTERIORIn this article interior, as organized life area is interpreted not in traditional architectural-spatial meaning but in wide social which need to distinguish and to regard base social functions in it, and also principals, leaded in the base of design activity.

Economic sciences

Ivanova N.A. CHARACTER OF SAVINGS BEHAVIOR OF HOUSEHOLDS IN TRANSFORMATIONAL ECONOMY Trends of savings behavior of households in transformational economy are researched in this article. The appraisal of households as not enough developed subject of savings market is given here. Conditions determined savings strategy and savings potential of population are analyzed in this work.
Markvart O.I. PECULIARITIES OF NETWORK MARKETS AND NETWORK MONOPOLIZATION IN CONDITIONS OF MODERN INNOVATION PROCESSNetwork markets, being the place and the method of network product distribution, are factor of network monopolization at the same time in conditions of modern science-technical progress introduction. Profitability of network monopoly appearance is proved with maximization of external network effect, but does not remove the problem of monopolistic regulation, which is revealed in definite moments of consumers’ behavior and their expenses of product consumption and use and entail working out of corresponded strategies.
Gasanov G.M., Tarasov A.V., Chernetsov A.V. POTENTIAL POSSIBILITIES OF OUTSOURCING USING AT ORGANIZATIONS AND ENTERPRISES’ ACTIVITY The authors of this article suggest mechanism of innovation trends forming at management of brokerage services of regional organizations on stock market of Russia in conditions of higher competition on the base of outsourcing using. Also they show the ways of innovations effectiveness increase of enterprises – participants of equity market at transmission of business-processes of regional brokerage companies on outsourcing of off-site specialized organizations or large brokers of federal level.
Romanov V.V. METHODICAL BASES OF EFFECTIVENESS APPRAISAL OF ELECTRIC MAINS ENTERPRISES’ FIXED ASSETS USING The analysis of conditions of regional electric mains enterprises is given in this article. General tendencies and perspectives of electric mains companies’ development are determined here. Also new indexes of appraisal of fixed assets using effectiveness, which are necessary for comparison of intensity of electric mains enterprises’ fixed assets using are suggested. Using of given indexes in again formed situations in electrical supply network complex is proved in this work. The author suggests method of appraisal of fixed assets using effectiveness of electric means enterprises.
Yaney I.S. WORKING OUT OF OPERATIVE MARKETING INSTRUMENTS ON THE MARKET OF AUDIT SERVICES The process of trade policy forming of audit services based on factors researches of external and internal sphere of Audit Company and its clients and comparison of possibilities and necessities of market subjects with using of matrix of given services optimal structure determination is regarded in this article.
Timofeeva T.V. METHODS OF ACCOUNTING OF EXPENSES AND CALCULATED COSTS OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES IN NON-GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTES OF HIGHER EDUCATIONSome existed methods of expenses accounting with aim of choice of possible method of expenses and calculated costs accounting of educational services in a cut of education specialities and forms are researched in this article. Lacks of accounting order of expenses and methods of costs calculation of educational services used at the present time with non-governmental institutes of higher education in practice are regarded in this work. Reasonability and possibility of using of ordered method of expenses accounting are suggested here.
Pervadchuk V.P., Masenko I.B. MATHEMATIC MODEL OF ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL CONDITION FORECASTING Construction of line multiple regression model of enterprise financial condition forecasting by means of accounting of future value of its clean assets on the base of real data of financial accountability of Permsky krai organizations is described in this article.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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