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Orenburg State University october 20, 2024   RU/EN
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ЭБС Лань
Лицензия Creative Commons

September 2024, № 3 (243), pages 23-30

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-243-23

Grigoriev A.D., Zhdanova N.S., Leushkanova O.Yu. A PRACTICE-ORIENTED APPROACH IN STUDENTS’ MASTERING THE VALUES OF THE SMALL HOMELANDThe axiological aspect of education has always been of primary importance, but it is very difficult to implement it effectively. In pedagogy, many approaches to the development of a value attitude to the small Motherland have been developed, one of them is practice-oriented. Its advantage is that students are in an active state, they perform certain tasks with an orientation towards their future profession. Modernization of small local history museums in the Urals allowed students to work in conditions of real professional practice. The students’ activities were organized by teachers step by step, starting with collecting and studying information about local history museums, ending with the project submission and reflection on the work done. At the second and fifth stages, teachers conducted a survey to identify the students’ knowledge of the history and culture of the Urals and their value orientations. Students answered a number of questions related to the artistic crafts of the Urals, with forms of preserving cultural heritage. Particular attention was paid to the answers where students discussed what from the regional culture should be preserved. The students’ project activities began with a visit to the local history museum in the village of Paris, with an introduction to its exhibition environment and museum staff. A long period of coordination between the positions of the «customer and the contractor» led to a compromise solution for combining a real and virtual exhibition. At the last stage, the students answered almost the same questions as at the beginning of the work. The answers showed a significant increase in knowledge about the history of the Ural region, its culture and the importance of local history museums in preserving folk values.Key words: practice-oriented approach, student training, values of the small Motherland, local history museums design activities.


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About this article

Authors: Grigoryev A.D., Zhdanova N.S., Leushkanova O.Yu.

Year: 2024

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-243-23

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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