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August 2020, № 4 (227), pages 66-74

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-227-66

Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A., Muratova A.A. ORGANIZATION OF METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERAbstract. The modern education system is characterized by constant significant changes and transformations in pedagogical science and practice, in connection with which the requirements for specialists who carry out pedagogical activities are also steadily changing. The social order of society is aimed at the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality of a citizen of Russia, the implementation of which is inextricably linked with the quality of pedagogical work with children in educational institutions at all levels of education. The quality of the organization of the teacher’s methodological activity, which is “an independent type of professional activity in the design, development and construction of teaching aids that allows for the regulation of teaching and learning activities”, plays the most important role in the well-being of the formation and development of a child at all stages of education. The state policy in the field of primary education is largely guided by the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard, according to which a wide range of typical tasks of a teacher is associated precisely with the organization of methodological activities. Researchers in the field of methodological training of teachers indicate that a modern teacher must have a sufficient level of methodological knowledge and skills (outlook), which will allow him not only to independently and competently apply them in practice, but also determine the ability to approach his pedagogical activity creatively. The conducted research by A.V. Pryadko, according to the study of the degree of effectiveness of various methods of organizing methodological activities in school, suggests that as a result of updating the forms and methods of organizing methodological work, there have been positive changes in motivation, teachers’ understanding of the requirements for the educational process, which includes the new education standard. The research results showed that the level of teacher motivation increased by 16%. An indicator such as “knowledge of the requirements that the standard includes” has quadrupled; the number of teachers who understand the principles of forming an assessment of the cognitive activity of students and are aware of the system for setting the final grade increased by 8 and 58%, respectively. The methodological activity of a modern teacher acts as a system-forming component of his pedagogical activity and is connected, on the one hand, with teaching methods, while, on the other hand, with ideas about specific actions aimed at designing, choosing and using these methods as ways of organizing educational and cognitive activities schoolchildren.Key words: methodical activity, pedagogical activity, school education, modern teacher.


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About this article

Authors: Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A., Muratova A.A.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-227-66

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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