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June 2020, № 3 (226), pages 92-98

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-226-92

Dremina I.A., Dolinina I.G. TEACHERS PROFESSIONALISM ASSESSMENTIN THE PROCESS OF CONTINUOUS EDUCATION CULTURE FORMATIONIn a dynamically changing world, there is undoubtedly a demand for a teacher who is able to competently solve the operational and strategic tasks of modern education of students. More and more in demand is a professional teacher who knows the technologies of personal growth, who is able to manage professional development. The study found that the process of forming a culture of lifelong education for teachers is based on the formation and development of their professionalism. The aim of the study is to develop methods for assessing the professionalism of a teacher as an important indicator of the formation of a culture of lifelong education in the implementation of the national federal project “Teacher of the Future”. By the concept of “formation of a teacher's lifelong education culture” and its integral component “professionalism”, we mean the process of developing a teacher's professional competence in solving specific pedagogical problems through determining the content, forms and methods of teaching, which is manifested in the individual's ability to assess the dynamics of the level of professionalism. It was revealed that a common feature in the semantics of the concepts of “professional competence” and “professionalism” of teachers is their dynamic nature of development. In the course of the theoretical study, it was revealed that there are various approaches to determining the levels of teacher professionalism, the analysis of which is presented in the article. On the basis of the theory of the tiered approach, it is established that the structure of the components of professionalism of all the considered approaches contains the possibilities and mechanisms of transition from one level to another. The methodological basis for the development of professionalism is determined by the law of philosophy of systems development, which provides for successive levels of development: emergence, formation, maturity, transformation. Substantive indicators of the levels of professionalism from the standpoint of the components of the culture of lifelong education of teachers are: management of personal professional development, methodological competence in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education, technological effectiveness of professional activity, dissemination of pedagogical experience, innovativeness of professional activity. Based on the analysis of scientific research and the Unified State Requirements for the Qualification of Employees, the relationship between the levels of professionalism and professional competence of a teacher was established: recognition (beginner), reproduction (student), productivity (professional), creativity (skill). The methodological constructor developed by us allows the teacher to determine, in accordance with the level of professionalism, the form of raising the level of qualifications in the process of continuous education. The highlighted components and criteria of the phenomenon under study allow us to further investigate the process of forming a culture of lifelong education for a teacher and achieve positive dynamics in the formation of a professional teacher.Key words: professionalism levels, teachers professional competence, teachers continuous education culture formation


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About this article

Authors: Dremina I.A., Dolinina I.G.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-226-92

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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