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August 2018, № 6 (218), pages 103-109

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-103

Bizyuk A.P., Kats E.E., Kolosova T.A., Sorokin V.M. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT OF THE RESEARCH OF SPELLING COMPETENCE OF YOUNGER STUDENTSAs it is known, neuropsychological factors influence the formation of spelling competence in younger schoolchildren. Despite the long history of studying the brain mechanisms of writing, the question of the composition and functional connections of brain structures that assure the mastering of spelling skills and skills remains unresolved. In our study, 146 students of 3 classes took part. Written works were offered to children, with subsequent analysis of spelling errors. In parallel, a comprehensive neuropsychological study was conducted, which included 20 functional tests. According to the results of the survey of writing, we identified three groups of children: children with high spelling competence, children with low spelling competence, children with diorofography. At the next stage, a correlation analysis was conducted of data from a neuropsychological examination and indicators of the development of spelling skills in children with high spelling competence and children with diorofography. In the written works of children, the most significant difference in the number of mistakes made was revealed for the morphological principle of writing, and the absence of differences for the lexical-semantic one. The analysis of the obtained correlation graphs showed that in groups of children with different levels of orthographic competence formation, various structures of the interrelationship structure of spelling skills and the studied cognitive processes are revealed, that is, the morpho-functional brain prerequisites of spelling competence-incompetence differ significantly. The data obtained suggest that spelling errors associated with incomplete assimilation of various principles of spelling (morphological, traditional, grammatical, syllable-morphemic and lexico-semantic) have a different psychological basis of their occurrence.Key words: orthographic competence, neuropsychology, dysorphography, correlation analysis, cognitive processes, writing disorders.


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About this article

Authors: Bizyuk A.P., Kats E.E., Kolosova T.A., Sorokin V.M.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-103

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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