Bizyuk A.P., Kolosova T.A., Kac E.E., Sorokin V.M. INTELLIGENCE STRUCTURE OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER AND CHILDREN WITH MILD MENTAL RETARDATION [№ 2 ' 2020] According to statistics in recent years, there has been a steady increase in the number of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), characterized in particular by disorders in the field of socio-psychological relations and specific changes in the cognitive sphere that impede the course of natural psychological adaptation. The theories of the origin of autism advanced in Western psychology are the theory of mind, the theory of central binding (central coherence theory) and the hypothesis of the weakening of the so-called. executive functions and individually and combinatorially quite adequately linked to the recorded changes from the three morphological-functional blocks according to A.R. Luria. The diversity, and sometimes the inconsistency of the obtained morphometric data in autistic children (regarding the total size of the brain, gray and white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, commissural structures, the hippocampus, tonsils, cerebellum, etc.) correlate with the same high diversity and sometimes bizarre manifestations intellectual activity — from pronounced forms of mental retardation to a very high, although unusual in structure of cognitive development. Correct construction of technologies for working with such children and their effective integration into the system of socio-psychological relations, or specific adaptation to it, is impossible without taking into account the intellectual potential and a differentiated approach based on both general and individualized laws of the child’s cognitive development. We made an attempt to compare the traditional characteristics of the intellectual activity of children with autism spectrum disorders and children of the same age with mental retardation (MA) in order to identify general and specific trends in their cognitive development. For this, the well-known Veksler test was used, which ensures the comparability of experimental data with normative data for the corresponding age group. It was found that children with ASD statistically significantly “gain” in the performance of those mental functions that involve the use of optical-spatial gnosis and constructive praxis, but expectedly “lose” in cases that require modeling behavior in social situations and taking into account everyday experience.
Bizyuk A.P., Kats E.E., Kolosova T.A., Sorokin V.M. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT OF THE RESEARCH OF SPELLING COMPETENCE OF YOUNGER STUDENTS [№ 6 ' 2018] As it is known, neuropsychological factors influence the formation of spelling competence in younger schoolchildren. Despite the long history of studying the brain mechanisms of writing, the question of the composition and functional connections of brain structures that assure the mastering of spelling skills and skills remains unresolved. In our study, 146 students of 3 classes took part. Written works were offered to children, with subsequent analysis of spelling errors. In parallel, a comprehensive neuropsychological study was conducted, which included 20 functional tests. According to the results of the survey of writing, we identified three groups of children: children with high spelling competence, children with low spelling competence, children with diorofography. At the next stage, a correlation analysis was conducted of data from a neuropsychological examination and indicators of the development of spelling skills in children with high spelling competence and children with diorofography. In the written works of children, the most significant difference in the number of mistakes made was revealed for the morphological principle of writing, and the absence of differences for the lexical-semantic one. The analysis of the obtained correlation graphs showed that in groups of children with different levels of orthographic competence formation, various structures of the interrelationship structure of spelling skills and the studied cognitive processes are revealed, that is, the morpho-functional brain prerequisites of spelling competence-incompetence differ significantly. The data obtained suggest that spelling errors associated with incomplete assimilation of various principles of spelling (morphological, traditional, grammatical, syllable-morphemic and lexico-semantic) have a different psychological basis of their occurrence.
Bizyuk A.P., Kacz E.E., Kolosova T.A., Sorokin V.M. FACTOR ANALYSIS IN THE NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS IN DYSORPHOGRAPHY [№ 5 ' 2018] The number of children who have problems with mastering written language and the rules of the native language in Russian educational schools, according to various authors, is tens of percent. At the same time, the brain precondition of this phenomenon, worsening the social adaptation of children, remain underdeveloped. In the present article, an attempt was made to identify discriminatory neuropsychological indicators that prevent the formation of spelling competence of schoolchildren. The study of writing disorders in younger schoolchildren was carried out using specially selected texts for dictation and cheating, after which a factor analysis was undertaken of the results of a study of two groups of children (with high spelling competence and dysorphography — 50 and 24 schoolchildren, respectively) in 20 functional tests. The subject of the analysis was the differences found when comparing the factor structures for the two groups. Neuropsychological assessment was performed only on those indicators, the expressed factor values of which were found only in one of the groups and were absent in the other. According to our assumption, they can be considered as variants of possible prerequisites for success or failure in mastering the rules of the Russian language. As a result of the qualitative analysis, four types of deficiency were identified, characterizing the weak functional units in the implementation of spelling skills in children with dysorphography. Specific methods whose indicators turned out to be significant for solving the task include: arithmetic calculation, understanding of metaphors, test for reciprocal coordination, effective execution of a proof-reading test in Amatuni’s modification, lack of mirror phenomena in Henry Head test, visual memory and test “Fence” with its load on dynamic praxis as a programmatically organized action. An end-to-end analysis of the totality of the obtained data allows us to conclude that there are at least four brain deficits in children with dysorphography: imperfect inter-hemispheric interaction, insufficient algorithmic component of thinking and activity, weakness of optical-spatial concepts and deficiency of motivational and energy potential.
L.I. Drobot, M.V. Galchina, P.S. Galchin, Yu.V. Katsnelson, T.M. Gololobova MORPHOTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS PHUSICAL DEVELOPMENT [№ 2 ' 2001] Growth and harmonic development are in dynamic unity, they are conformed to general laws depending on sex, they are stipulated by genetic and environmental factors. External man`s body dimensions serve as starting data for harmonic development study. The results of physical development rating of 732 first-year students of Orenburg State University are submitted. The a author`s investigation shows that physical development of only half of the students satisfies age standards and 38.94 % of students have enharmonic development. Under such conditions the instructive measures promote to accent the attention of young people to the personal health and to realise the importance of health safety.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |