Amirova L.A., Sergienko I.V., Amirov A.F., Gayazov A.A. CIVIC-PATRIOTIC SOCIALIZATION OF STUDENT YOUTH IN THE SPACE OF THE DIGITAL MUSEUM EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT [№ 4 ' 2024] The most important task of modern Russian education, affecting all its levels, is the civic and patriotic socialization of students. Its solution requires special forms of interaction between people of different generations, effective pedagogical practices that influence the intellectual, emotionalsensual and volitional sphere of students, organization of their activities to study their native land, its history, culture, economics, etc., as well as the organization of their work on the study of the native land. Engaging young people in the traditional values of the Russian society, formation of a worthy citizen and patriot of the country takes place in the process of creating a digital (virtual) museum. The joint work of teachers and students on museum expositions is based on moral and value guidelines of actualization of the activity position «I know, I love, I am proud», didactic possibilities of the process that allow students to realize their knowledge, experience, creative potential to the maximum extent and use the materials of the developed expositions in the implementation of the curriculum and extracurricular activities. The article describes the pedagogical principles tested by the authors on the basis of the experience of creating a virtual museum in the state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Bashkir Academy of Public Service and Management under the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan».
Gayazov A.S. GENERAL CIVILIZATIONAL CRISES AND CRISES IN MODERN EDUCATION [№ 3 ' 2022] The processes of development of education in the conditions of the emergence of various crises and other phenomena require research. Crises, including axiological crisis, identity crisis, collapse, explosion, madness, dead ends and traps of education, etc., have different content and influence on the real processes of education, different degrees of manifestation depending on many factors and reasons. Each of these types of crisis is a real possibility in the world, and none of the states can protect their national education system from their appearance. Some of these phenomena are from the field of constantly used, some are only alarming symptoms of impending upheavals. For the first time, I conducted a systematic analysis of these phenomena. Particular attention is paid to the culturalanthropological and cultural-historical aspects of phenomena, their transformation as an objective adequate response to changes in modern education. In one case, crises affect the foundations of the development of education itself as a system, in the other case, they directly affect the effectiveness of the process of educating a person. The reasons for the emergence of crises and ways to counter their manifestations are considered. Among the most important actions that can protect the education system is its aspiration to the future, the implementation of the ideas of advanced education in society.
Gayazov A.S. EDUCATION UNDER MODERN CONDITIONS: PROBLEMS, TRENDS AND PROSPECTS [№ 10 ' 2017] Social, economic, ecological and cultural changes spread worldwide in such a quick pace that they become global having direct impact on everyone. Every participant of today’s transformations should be aware of the society being created within the completely changing world and realize the place of a man in this world. In other words, there comes a question: what a modern well-bred and well-educated man should be to cope with the challenges of the permanently changing environment? The requirements of pedagogical relationship personification and pedagogical impact are fulfilled through the adequate use of personal experience including feelings, emotions, actions, through teacher-student cooperation. These relationship comprises of all the interaction spheres not only the narrow distinction between educators and educatees. Only in that case poly-subjective approach can be applied to the educational process providing the use of a man’s positive potential, his creative abilities for the development and self-perfection due to the equality of communication partners, openness and trust, values, that result in development of the other as the Civilization Person.
A.S. Gayazov DEMOCRATIC VALUES, PRINCIPLES AND UPBRINGING OF CITIZEN [№ 1 ' 2001] In the article there are represented the main principles of educational process. The personality is represented as the element that set up a system in history of education.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |