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June 2017, № 7 (207), pages 51-56

Bezrukavaya M.V., Baskova Y.S. THE CONCEPT OF THE PERSON IN L. ULITSKAYA’S NOVELSThis article analyzes the concept of a person in the novels by L. Ulitskaya: “Daniel Stein, translator”, “Green Pavilion”, “Jacob’s Ladder”. The choice of novels is determined not only by the significance of their perception in literary criticism, but also by the fact that they pay a special attention to the problem of the human due to their chronotope and worldview activity. The authors examine in the article the main dominants that form the ideological and artistic concept of personality in the novels by L. Ulitskaya. Firstly, this is the denial of the “dogmatic person”: in each text there is a systemic criticism of consciousness firmly locked in its intolerance and the desire to condemn other ways of developing the inner world. Secondly, it is the apology of the universal person, a vivid example of which is Daniel Stein, addressed to people and striving to saturate the surrounding world with actual benefits. Thirdly, this is the permissible ambivalence, describing which L. Ulitskaya emphasizes the relativity of the word, the illusory nature of the dogma and the special mission of the cause. Fourthly, this is the introduction of the concept of a “new Christian”, showing that life is more complex and more significant than any dogmatic teaching. Fifth, it is cultural centrism, due to the fact that the center of the novels is formed by characters with solid cultural experience and intellectual baggage. And, finally, sixthly, it is personalism, associated with a special attention to the gender aspects of human development. The main revealed tendencies of the human concept in L. Ulitskaya’s novels indicate that a person should seek his way in the world, developing himself in accordance with the world experience, which unites the person completely with the democratic vector of development.Key words: dogmatic person, universal person, ambivalence, culture-centrism, personalism.


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About this article

Authors: Baskova Yu.S., Bezrukavaya M.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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