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ЭБС Лань
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June 2017, № 7 (207), pages 34-37

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-207-34

Agarkova O.A., Gubanova Y.V. ARGUMENTATION AS A STRATEGY OF LINGUISTIC MANIPULATION The theory of argumentation is studied by linguistics, mathematics, informatics, jurisprudence and other sciences. The complexity of argumentation makes it possible to consider this phenomenon from the several approaches: communicative, psychological, cognitive and pragmatic. To date, the study of the theory of argumentation as a branch of psycholinguistics is relevant. The approach lies in a search of efficient component of communicative strategy of argumentation. The effectiveness of a communicative strategy is defined by appropriate choice of linguistic means which allow to build smoothly a chain of arguments, state the main idea fast and clearly, and emotionally influence on communicator. Clearly built sequence of arguments increases the effectiveness of argumentation as a strategy of speech influence. However this issue is not clarified enough in papers of native and foreign linguists. This paper refers to pragmalinguistic aspect of argumentation in modern literacy. For analysis there were chosen texts of two different culture writers: American (E. Gilbert) and French (A. Gavalda). Within the aspect there were analysed linguistic means of argumentation according to classification of N.A. Oshchepkovoy. The contextual analysis subdivided linguistic means into five groups: expositive verbs, utterances of agreement/disagreement, prohibition statements, adversative linking words and contrast adverbs, adverbs of reason. The quantitive method helped to identify the most frequent linguistic means for this material. These means are utterances of agreement/disagreement and adverbs of reason. Among the analysed means expositive verbs are in fewer.Key words: argumentation, speech influence, speech strategy, linguistic means, argument, communicative situation, pragmalinguistic approach.


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About this article

Authors: Gubanova Yu.V., Agarkova O.A.

Year: 2017

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-207-34

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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