Agarkova O.A., Baymuratova U.S. ILLOCUTIONARY SPEECH ACTS IN THE TEXTS OF THE POSTCARDS OF THE “POSTCROSSING” PROJECT“Postcrossing” is a project, where a new form of verbal communication of English-language discourse was originated. We have already highlighted some linguopragmatic peculiarities of the texts of postcards of this project (the main functions, specifics of communication, the stability of the composite structure, etc.), but nevertheless this linguistic object of the theory of natural written speech continues to be understudied. The article analyzes the illocutionary speech acts functioning in the texts of the postcards of the project “Postcrossing”. the peculiarity of etiquette formulae of greeting, references, suggestions, farewell, inherent in the genre of natural written speech are examined. It is determined that the illocutionary force of requests can only be submitted by the vocational act. The greeting contains a reference to a wide range of toponyms of the different scale. The intention of the wish always expresses amiability and it is manifested in the lexical and grammatical level. The purpose of farewell as the final situation of communication is to finish the contact with the addressee. The study reveales that the neutral contact-establishing and contact-disunifying statements predominate due to the written communication between strangers. Thanks to componentized and contextual analyses the lexical representation of utterances is identified, and it is characterized by a positive connotative meaning, and is defined by a specific list of lexical units.Key words: postcrossing, postcard, speech act, formula of etiquette, compellation, wish, farewell.
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About this article
Authors: Agarkova O.A., Baymuratova U.S.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |