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January 2017, № 1 (201)

Ilyina L.E. PAREMIAS IN RUSSIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES: COMPARATIVE ANALYSISThe main problem of this article devoted to the comparative analysis of paremiology in Russian and French linguocultural studies is a definition of the speech units forming a subject of paremiological researches.Analyzing works of Russian and foreign linguists, studying of the description ways of paremiological units volume in Russian and French linguocultural studies, the author concludes that paremia, despite of origin antiquity, does not lose the relevance, the sphere of its use extends, and its structure continue to be replenished nowadays. The author claims that definition of a paremia has to include the detailed, etymological analysis of this term. Aparemia from Ancient Greek παροιμια: παρά — nearby, aside, and οἶμος — a road, a way, a footpath — that is near the road (the road is understood in literal and figurative sense); that is common in everyday life; that is the general, national. In addition, paremia defined asarch lexeme, which allegorically transfers moral or religious manual, everyday observation, figurative comparison, but does not contain a direct conclusion. It is generic term for a number of paremiological units as well. The author includes dialogisms, slogans andcatch phrase from movies along with proverbs, sayings, parables, aphorisms and other paremias in number of paremiological units.Key words: paremia, paremiological units, paremiology, Russian and French paremiological researches, Russian and French paremiologies.


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About this article

Author: Ilyina L.E.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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