Kucherenko M.A., Ogerchuk A.A. UNIVERSITY OLYMPIAD IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FUTURE APPLICANTPHYSICS FORMATION [№ 3 ' 2021] To obtain a systematic and fundamental education in the naturalmathematical and engineeringtechnical areas of training in higher educational institutions of Russia, the applicant must master the conceptual apparatus of the school physics course, master methodological skills, learn to apply knowledge to explain physical phenomena and solve physical problems at an advanced and high level difficulties. Participation in the Olympiad activities is one of the most effective ways to form, develop and improve the subject knowledge and skills of the future physicist entrant. The object of our research was the Eurasian multidisciplinary Olympiad for high school students “Search” in the “Physics” nomination as an element of the system of preparing high school graduates for continuing physical education in Russian universities. The aim of the study was to develop a conceptual framework for the methodological preparation of the Olympiad in physics and to determine effective ways to further improve it. Content analysis and study of the experience of holding the Olympiad in 2016–2021 allowed to determine the methodological content of the conceptual framework. Its basic elements are: a propaedeutic approach based on the transformation of the thematic and structural form of control and measuring materials of the unified state examination; selection of content elements that are most important for continuing education at a university and focused on the “zone of proximal development” of the student; preparation of assessment criteria that are of a teaching nature and built in accordance with the provisions of the technology of “advanced learning”. Based on descriptive statistics of the qualifying and final rounds of the subject competition of schoolchildren in 2016–2021 proposed and substantiated three directions of improving the schoolchildren's Olympiad activity in the subject area “Physics”. These areas are of a procedural, educational and research and educational nature. They should include: facetoface analysis of the solutions to the tasks of the Olympiad based on the hermeneutic approach; an experimental tour expanding the range of the student's methodological skills; subject seminars and lectures by leading scientists of the Faculty of Physics of the University with the aim of developing intrinsic motivation and subject erudition of the future applicantphysicist.
Kucherenko M.A., Chetverikova A.G. PRACTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION OF TEACHERS AND PUPILS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG REGION) [№ 1 ' 2018] Improvement of physical and mathematical education of teachers and pupils of mass school becomes a key factor in the conditions of creation of national and regional system of independent monitoring and assessment of quality of such education as way of external assessment of results for the benefit of the personality, society, labor market and the state. Changes in economic, political and social life have strongly influenced formation of new type of the identity of the person, on his emotional and intellectual world that demands, obviously, search of effective forms of learning and the doctrine, reconsideration of values, moral standards and all outlook of the person. At the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg region there was an effective system of improvement of quality of physical education on the basis of cooperation of physical faculty of the Orenburg state university and teachers and pupils of Orenburg and the Orenburg region. The called system provides, first of all, improvement of subject competence of the teacher of various programs of professional development, profound training of school students at University physical and mathematical school, various forms of educational and research, design and Olympiad activity in branches of department of the general physics and educational laboratories of physical faculty. The educational programs of higher education institution which are implemented on University Saturdays and Public lectures on physics are traditional. Result of long-term joint interdependent educational activity of the university and teacher's, and school community are results of graduates of the main and high (full) school on the Basic and the Unified state examination, at the Olympic Games and conferences of the Russian and regional level.
Kucherenko M.G. KINETICS OF THE DIFFUSIVE ACCELERATED ANNIHILATION OF PARTICLES IN CIRCULAR OR SPHERICAL AREA OF NANOMETER RADIUS [№ 7 ' 2017] The mathematical model of kinetics remotely of the dependent annihilation of particles of two grades accelerated by their diffusion in areas of circular and spherical shape of nanometer radius is constructed. The analysis was limited to accounting only of pair spatial correlations, in neglect correlations of higher order. Approximate representation of two-partial function of Green of a diffusive task with the reflecting border in the factored look on coordinates of each of particles, fair for a case of small speed of remote reaction is used. One-partial functions of Green for cases of existence in a circular (spherical) zone of the weak axial and symmetric force field created by the dot source of dipolar type located in the center of a zone and also for lack of such field are received. Results of calculations of temporary dependences of average speed of bimolecular annihilation for the simplest central symmetric case of placement of particles reagents are given. The offered model can be used as for the description of kinetics of annihilation of particles, not selective on a back, and for backs — selective reactions, such, for example, as a triplet-tripletnaya annihilation of excitons, or suppression a triplet — the excited molecules doublet traps in nanodisperse systems with high-symmetric cavities or inclusions.
Kucherenko M.A. DEVELOPMENT OF INDEPENDENT WORK IN PHYSICS ON THE BASIS OF THE SEMANTIC STRATEGIES OF READING [№ 4 ' 2016] Such competences as "the learning and self-education capacity" and "the ability to search, process and analyse information received from various sources" are formed in extracurricular and individual independent work of a student in Physics. In terms of the analysis methods of operating results, a questionnaire survey and self-reporting the following things are identified and analysed: the methods and forms of implementation by a student of such academic objective as "self-study section of the discipline "Physics" on the basis of ready strategies in the work with training information"; the quality of learning outcomes and their correlation with a set of methods and means of performing the academic objective; motivational, operational and emotional-axiological components of the educational activity; the psychological readiness of a student to work independently. The result is that the dominant motive of independent work is achieving results and its improvement, while the motives of intellectual-cognitive plan are not important factors in its effectiveness for a student-future engineer. It is obtained that the arsenal of techniques and tools to work with the learning information is limited to the notes of the training material without any conversion and interpretation of educational texts, and without identifying implicit information, linking and mapping of thematic material from different sources, without filling the "semantic wells", formulation of findings, conclusions and generalizations. It is concluded that students have difficulties in classification, comparison and synthesis of knowledge which is important for the implementation of elementary-systemic concepts in their further professional activities. The stable correlation between the teaching strategies and results of the final and current control in Physics is identified. The problem of improving independent work in Physics is addressed through application of the arsenal of hermeneutic tools aimed at organizing the process of understanding the educational information in the self-organized, diverse in character text activity based on the methods of phenomenology, psychology, psycholinguistics, semantics and semiotics. The model of organization of self-educational activity of a student is implemented through the development of the workshop "Independent Work with the Educational Text in Physics", which is focused on all the components of the content of education at the university and provides an extension of the subjective experience of a student in the process of applying strategies of the semantic reading for self-development of the sections in the discipline "Physics".
Rusinov A.P., Kucherenko M.G. HOLOGRAPHIC REGISTRATION METHOD OF NONRADIATIVE DEACTIVATION EXCITED STATE MOLECULES IN POLYMER FILM. INFLUENCE OF METAL NANOPARTICLES [№ 1 ' 2016] When interacting condensed matter systems with electromagnetic field it is necessary to consider the processes of nonradiative decay of electronic excitation energy of molecules. However, existing registration methods of nonradiative processes are related to methodological errors and low sensitivity measurements. In this paper, we proposed a method of improving measurement sensitivity of thermal field generated by nonradiative deactivation excited state molecules, through the use of holographic methods. In this case the temperature field initiated by spatially periodic field of pump pulse generated the holographic phase grating. Therefore diffraction signal of probe beam on single grating period increased as square of structure periods number. Some limitation of this method is relatively fast thermal relaxation of the lattice. However, in some mechanism of grid recording this limitation becomes irrelevant. So in polymer films under impact of intense radiation pumping on the polymer surface is recorded relief grating, the depth of which is proportional to temperature in polymer volume. In this case, the lifetime of relief structure is several orders of magnitude larger than thermal grating, which greatly simplifies the experimental registration of surface relief dynamics. This technique allows to experimentally measuring the nonradiative transitions efficiency depending on sample microstructure or environmental conditions. For approbation this method influence of silver nanoparticles on nonradiative transitions in polymer films is studied. It is shown that adding nanoparticles increased the amplitude of relief gratings reordered on the film surface by swelling mechanism, indicating the intensification of nonradiative deactivation processes of electronic excitation energy of dye molecules. It is found that the influence of silver nanoparticles on nonradiative processes for molecules with low quantum yield in metastable (triplet) state (rhodamine 6G) is much higher than for molecules with a large quantum yield in this state (erythrosine).
Kruchinin N.Yu., Kucherenko M.G. MOLECULAR DYNAMICS OF ADSORPTION HOMOGENEOUS POLYPEPTIDES ON THE SURFACE OF GOLD NANOPARTICLE [№ 13 ' 2015] Conjugates of gold nanoparticles with macromolecules and molecules-marks are used to create biosensors and functional nanosystems in nanoelectronics. Conformational dynamics and the nature of the location of the macromolecules on the surface of the gold nanoparticles affects the kinetics of energy transfer between molecules-marks, the kinetics of two-stage photoreactions involving electronically excited molecules and oxygen molecules. In such a system of cluster type is formed by complex kinetic mode of energy transfer as a result of local plasmon-initiated change speed inductive-resonance transfer for donor-acceptor pairs that forming with nanoglobule different geometric configuration. Using the statistical theory of macromolecules presents a description of the dependence of distribution density of links of the macromolecules on the surface of spherical nanoparticle. The peculiarities of conformational rearrangements and equilibrium structure of homogeneous polypeptides adsorbed on the surface of spherical gold nanoparticles with radius of 4 nm were investigated using molecular dynamics (MD). Homogeneous polypeptides consisting of 100 and 500 proteinogenic amino acid residues were considered. As a result of molecular-dynamic modeling were obtained equilibrium conformational structures uncharged homogeneous polypeptides adsorbed to the surface of the spherical gold nanoparticle. Radial distribution of the average atomic concentration of polypeptides on the surface of gold nanoparticles are calculated on a 5-produced model calculations, estimated a mean square deviation. Approximation of the radial distribution of the average atomic concentration of the polypeptides was produced by the formulas obtained by the methods of the statistical theory for the distribution of the density of links of macrochain on the surface of spherical nanoparticle. Numerical values of the parameters of the approximation curves of the average radial distribution of atoms of polypeptides on the surface of spherical gold nanoparticles are presented in the table. The results can be used to correctly describe the features of the kinetics of molecular reactions in near-surface areas of gold nanoparticles coated with a macromolecular chain.
Kucherenko M.G., Nalbandyan V.M. POLARIZABILITY SPECTRA OF NANOCLUSTERS OF TWO COMPOSITE PARTICLES IN AN EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD [№ 13 ' 2015] On the basis of exact solutions of the Laplace equations in anisotropic conjugated fields the expressions are obtained for the electric dipole tensor polarizabilities of two-layer spherical nanoparticles with different materials layers in an external magnetic field. Based on these expressions the frequency dependence of the polarizability of composites composition of the metal/dielectric and dielectric/metal are studied for different values of the induction magnetic field tion, the radii of the cores and shells of the globules. The values of the material parameters (plasma frequency of metals and dielectric constant of nondispersion dielectrics) typical of noble metal (Ag, Au), silicon dioxide (SiO2) and optical glass are used for calculations. It is established that the spectra of the polarizability of a cluster consisting of two spherical particles with metal cores have two plasmon resonance separated in frequency, while particles with dielectric cores and metallic shells — four. The influence of external magnetic field on the spectra of electric polarizability nanoclay-the method of spherical composite particles of different composition and geometry is investigated. As in the previously studied case of a homogeneous conductive particles in a magnetic field the splitting of the spectral peaks into individual components, which led to the increase of the magnetic field diverge in the opposite directions of the frequency scale is observed for clusters. Optical properties of composite nanoclusters with magnetized plasma of metal components by various geometric parameters of the system are studied. It is found that the frequencies of plasmon resonances in the spectra of the polarizabilities of the clusters have a strong dependence on the thickness distribution of composite particles. The conclusion is made the enhanced possibility of a change in the spectral optical properties of cluster (control of the shift of the resonances and their intensity) by varying the geometric parameters of the composites and applying an external magnetic field.
Rusinov A.P., Kucherenko M.G. INFLUENCE OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES ON THE OPTICAL ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF ORGANIC DYES MOLECULES IN POLYMER SOLUTIONS AND MEMBRANES [№ 13 ' 2015] Objects and systems structured at the nanometer scale are of great interest among researchers due to the presence of their specific physical properties. Due to considerable experimental difficulties and limitations of theoretical approaches, the focus now is on study of relatively simple nano-objects for which there are suitable experimental methods, known methods of synthesis and physical models for theoretical description of their properties. As an example of such a system is considered colloidal solutions of metal nanoparticles and nanoparticles in polymer film. Influence of metal nanoparticles on molecular environment due to the presence of plasmon oscillations of electron gas density. This changes the interaction efficiency between nearby molecules with external electromagnetic field and the rate of photoinduced processes in this area. The influence of various concentrations of silver nanoparticles on absorption spectra of organic dyes molecules in water solutions and thin polyvinyl alcohol films is investigated. It is found that with increasing concentration of metal nanoparticles optical density of polymer solutions and films in the 380–450 nm band increases monotonically, as in the 490–570 nm band increases at low nanoparticles concentrations and decreases at higher nanoparticles concentrations. Maximum enhancement of the dye absorption is observed when at concentration nanoparticles near 10-9 M. Based on the model of influence metal nanoparticles on interaction of organic dye molecules with linearly polarized monochromatic electromagnetic field spatial orientation and frequency dependence of transition probabilities in dye molecule within nanoparticles is calculated. It is shown a qualitative agreement between the theoretical frequency dependences with the experimental results of concentration effect of silver nanoparticles on the absorption intensity of dye molecules in different spectral ranges.
Kucherenko M.G., Chmereva T.M. NONRADIATIVE ENERGY TRANSFORMATION OF ELECTRONIC EXCITATIONS IN MULTILAYER PLANAR NANOSTRUCTURES "METAL — INSULATOR" [№ 9 ' 2015] Characteristics of quasi-static field (near field) of a dipole source in a three-layer planar system are calculated by method of constructing dipoles images in conductive and dielectric media. In the dielectric medium a generation of collective electronic excitations — Frenkel excitons with the formation of the respective resonant frequency bands with frequency dependence of dielectric constant of the molecular crystal is considered. It is shown that the penetration of the field in each of the environments greatly depends on the balance between the use of the oscillation frequency of the primary (donor) dipole and frequencies of exciton and plasmon reso-nances of molecular crystalline and conductive environments. On the basis of the found characteristics of the fields frequency dependence of the nonradiative transfer rate of electronic excitation energy donor molecules, localized in a thin inner layer, which is in the same layer acceptor metal nanoparticles of spherical shape is calculated. The influence on the rate of energy transfer configuration characteristics of the composite system, as well as the characteristic frequency parameters of conductive materials is investigated.
Kucherenko M.G., Kucherenko M.A. ABOUT TWO EVOLUTIONARY MODELS WITH A NONLOCAL QUADRATIC NONLINEARITY [№ 4 ' 2015] The analysis of the properties of two well-known mathematical models of evolutionary Biophysics and physics of condensed matter, based on the differential equations of parabolic type is made. It is noted that the linearization of bilinear nonlocal member of the first model allows you to use features of the structure of the discrete spectrum of the reduced operator to analyze the dynamic mode of the explosive instability. The nonlocality of the second model included in the nonlinear operator of the Fokker-Planck, which provides spatial structuring of the system even in the absence of centers of autocatalysis. It is shown that both models do not lose their meaning and can be transferred without any significant changes in its structure in the area of methodology education processes by replacing the original biological or physical concepts equivalent concepts in the theory of knowledge. If successful broadcast of the characteristics and parameters of the overall results and conclusions of evolutionary models can be used to develop new learning strategies and original educational methods.
Kucherenko M.A. SOME ASPECTS OF FORMATION OF COMMON CULTURAL COMPETENCES OF FUTURE BIOLOGIST OF INDEPENDENT WORK ON PHYSICS [№ 2 ' 2015] Cognitive, operational and technological, motivational and social characteristics of cash communicative competence as set of the staticized common cultural competences of future biologists are considered. Structural and substantial foundations of the organization of independent work of trainees on the basis of the strategy of semantic reading realizing possibilities of germenevtiko-phenomenological approach for formation and development of common cultural competences of pupils are discussed.
Zeynidenov A.K., Ibrayev N.K., Kucherenko M.G. EFFECT OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES ON ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS IN THE DYE MOLECULES AND LASING CHARACTERISTICS OF LIQUID LASERS ON THEIR BASIS [№ 9 ' 2014] The influence of silver nanoparticles (NPS) on spontaneous and induced transitions is investigated in molecules of rhodamine 6G in aqueous solutions. A non-monotonic change of the dye fluorescence intensity is found with increasing concentration of the nanoparticles (NP) and constant life time 3.2 ns. The maximum of the light intensity was observed at concentrations of NP of the order of 10-4 mol/L. In the dye absorption spectra the monotonous reduction of optical density is fixed, with growth of concentration of NP. Furthermore, an increase of the radiation intensity on the length of the wave 559 nm intensified by induced transitions and the narrowing of the laser generation band is observed after addition Ag NP into the dye solution. the simplest interpretation of the observed effects is given in the model of spontaneous and induced dipole transitions.
Kucherenko M.G., Nalbandian V.M. MODIFICATION OF THE SPECTRUM OF THE ELECTRIC DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY OF A CLUSTER OF TWO CONDUCTING SPHERICAL NANOPARTICLES IN AN EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD [№ 1 ' 2014] On the basis of the expression obtained in the approximation of quasi-point dipoles dipole dynamic polarizability tensor of the cluster formed by two spheroidal composite nanoparticles in a monochromatic electromagnetic field of the optical frequency range, we examined the change of the spectra of the cluster polarizability in constant external magnetic fields of various sizes induction. Taken into account that the particles cluster have anisotropic characteristics and their own polarizability as dielectric permittivity, submitted a second rank tensor.
Kucherenko M.G., Izmodenova S.V., Chmereva T.M., Kruchinin N.Yu., Podresova N.S. DIFFUSION CONTROLLED REACTION KINETICS IN NEAR-SURFACE SHELL OF FULLERENE-TUBULENE NANOPARTICLE WITH ADSORBED MACROMOLECULAR CHAIN [№ 9 ' 2013] A mathematical model of the electronic excitation cross-annihilation kinetics of oxygen molecules and organic dyes, connected with macromolecule linkers adsorbed on a fullerene or carbon nanotube (tubulene) surface in a solution is proposed. The model taken into account a non-homogeneous character of the radial distribution of polymeric chain linkers forming like profile of oxygen singlet excitations generation centers and furthermore diffusion relaxation features of its density in the near-surface zone of the different curvature radius. Expressions are produced for the time — dependent signal of annihilation delayed fluorescence of dye molecules and they are different for the spherical and tubular nanoparticle. The oxygen molecules thermal diffusion which obtained by the formation of a non-homogeneous temperature field in the near-surface layer was taken into account. The estimation of the thermal diffusion effect value is made and its influence on the long-time luminescence kinetics of dye molecules connected with polymeric chains adsorbed on fullerene/tubulene kernels is obtained.
Kucherenko M.G., Izmodenova S.V., Chmereva T.M. "KINETIC LENS" EFFECT IN INTERMOLECULAR ENERGY TRANSFER NEAR METALLIC NANOPARTICLE WITH MACROMOLECULAR LINKER [№ 1 ' 2013] A mathematical model of the electronic excitation radiationless energy transfer kinetics (Forster Resonace Energy Transfer — FRET) between molecules, connected with the spherical metal nanoparticle by means macromolecular linkers is proposed. It is shown that in such systems like the cluster type a complex energy transfer kinetic regime is formed as a result of the rate variation of the local plasmon-initiated inductive — resonant transition for the donor-acceptor pairs which generate various geometrical configurations of molecules with nanoglobule. Observed picture of the population dynamics of reagents excited states resembles a result of the construction of the optical image of some object by means of a collecting (or scattering) lens.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |