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March 2016, № 3 (191)

Strenadyuk G.S., Strenadyuk E.B. IMPORTANCE OF PRONOMINAL WORDS IN SUPPORTING OF TEXT UNITYThe article deals with one of the basic text theory's problems, namely an attainment of text's coherence using pronominal words. The class of words called the pronominal words is described in the present article. The group of pronouns is replenished by certain range of lexical tokens which are subjected to the process of pronominalization. The pronominal words haven't yet been the target of research from this point of view, they're only mentioned in few some theory's papers. The article authors separate the pronominal words from all the major parts of speech, namely nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. The article investigates the pronouns which as well as the most of the words belong to so called "open classes", in other words there's a certain range of lexical tokens that can replenish the structure of the pronoun's class which undergo the process of pronominalization. As the authors have noted, the main source of pronouns class's replenishment are eurysemy words. Eurysemy is a breeding ground for the pronoun. By virtue of these words a language is capable to convey a special content in more compressed form. Thus, the pronominal words are one of the eurysemy words's evolutionary ways. The "circle of pronominal substitutions" term of pronominal word is introduced in the article, it denotes all the nominations instead of which the pronominal words act as substitutes. The given circle is rather wide as it includes all the primary nominations substituted by both individual words and word combinations. The authors have analyzed deictic, substitutive, condensing, phatic functions of pronominal words. Every pronominal word has certain function. However, the functions aren't strictly assighned to the pronominal words, in a context one and the same pronominal word can perform several functions. At this rate, the paper covers an interesting layer of lexics thanks to which text is perceived as a coherent whole. This quality of a text is achieved by means of so called eurysemy words, which take a special place in lexical body of the language. These particular words, as authors note, are an advantageous basis for pronoun which is necessary condition for text institutionalization.Key words: pronominal words, text unity, deictic, substitutive, condensing, phatic functions, text coherence, anaphoric and cataphoric pronouns, anthropomorphical and non-anthropomorhical pronouns, eurysemy words.


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About this article

Authors: Strenadyuk G.S., Strenadyuk E.B.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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