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January 2016, № 1 (189)

Mikhailova E.A., Konstantinova O.D., Kshnyasev S.K., Fomin V.M., Zherebyateva O.O., Kalinina L.A., Mahalova G.O., Faizullina E.K. SOME OF THE TECHNIQUES AND THE WAYS TO ENHANCE COGNITIVE ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS MEDICAL SCHOOL Realization of fgos of new generation aimed at the inclusion of more techniques and training methods that stimulate creativity of both teachers and learners, paying particular attention to feedback. This is especially true for medical schools. In all fields of knowledge are rapidly increasing the amount of information that must be adapted to broadcast to the students and to evaluate its assimilation in a limited number of teaching hours allotted to the discipline. From this point of view, the application of programmed learning, in particular the control of mastering of knowledge, is very appropriate and justified. The use of carefully designed learning programs and algorithms with a rigid sequence of controlling influences is not in doubt. In practical sessions the teacher is able to diagnose the level of student to the lesson. Such methods allow control over certain sections of the course. The learning process of medical school is designed so that a student, mastering knowledge of the cycles of biomedical Sciences, clinical disciplines, mastering the methods and techniques of General and private medical thinking, diagnostic techniques. Therefore, the learning process aims at developing the learner qualities required of clinical thinking, the development of its activity. Targeted and tailored exposure to a teacher and textbooks, ultimately, should lead to the development and promote self-development of the student. Along with this, the deepening of knowledge, development of elements of creativity, professional and communicative skills, are best implemented when the organization of the collective work. Collective learning is characterized by the activity of all, cooperation in problem solving and collaborative discussion. In this case, each member of the team has the opportunity to act as teachers or in the role of the learner. In the practice of teacher didactic tasks discussed our directions become more specific forms and purposes: for example, to enable the student to recognize by external signs some causes of disease, to analyze data describing the condition of the patient, read X-rays, an electrocardiogram, to analyze blood, urine, feces, perform palpation, to sew up the wound, etc.Key words: methods and forms of activation of cognitive activity of students of the university.


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About this article

Authors: Fayzullina E.K., Fomina M.V., Kshnyaseva S.K., Mihaylova E.A., Pervushina L.A., Zherebyatyeva O.O., Konstantinova O.D., Mahalova G.O.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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