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2015, № 12 (187)

Shangina O.R., Musina L.A. ELASTIC-DEFORMATIVE PROPERTIES OF COMBINED ALLOGRAFTS FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE ORBITAL WALLSThe necessity of studying biomechanical properties of allografts stems from the inquiries of practical medicine. Problems of restoration surgery, transplantology and other sciences are solved based on the study of strength and deformative properties of tissues. The aim of physico-mechanical investigations is the evaluation of allograft as the material which temporary or constantly performs mechanical functions following the transplantation. Different methods of manufacture, preservation, lyophilization and sterilization of allografts lead, on frequent occasions, to the changes of biomechanical properties. The conservation of elastic-deformative properties of allografts during the process of their manufacture is an important factor which sets conditions for the effect of their clinical practice. Biomechanical tests were carried out in the tissue bank of the Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre to evaluate strength properties of combined allografts manufactured according to Alloplant technology for the restoration of orbital walls. Combined allografts were modeled from the derma of the foot supporting areas and then were reinforced by the costal cartilage. The carried out tests showed the following results — the parameters of relative elongation, ultimate strength and Young's modulus of elasticity of derma allografts didn't subject to reliable changes (compared with the control group — native derma). It allows to make a conclusion that mechanical properties of the given allografts are preserved after the physico-chemical treatment. Ultimate strength and plastic deformation parameters of the allografts reinforced by the costal cartilage treated as per Alloplant technology didn't undergo considerable changes as well, compared with the control group (native derma). It is established that multistage physico-chemical treatment as per Alloplant technology does not have an adverse effect on the strength characteristics of the derma of the foot supporting areas and costal cartilage which are used to manufacture a combined allograft for the restoration of the orbital walls. Such strength properties of allografts as tension and deformation, which in their turn, are of the utmost significance play an important part in reconstructive surgeries. Key words: allografts, biomechanical properties, reconstructive ophthalmosurgery.


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About this article

Authors: Shangina O.R., Musina L.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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