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2015, № 12 (187)

Sorokin E.L., Tatanova O.Iu. ASCERTAIN OF PRESENCE OF POTENTIAL RISK OF THE ACUTE SPASM OF PRIMARY CLOSED ANGLE GLAUCOMA IN EYES WITH THE SHORT AXIAL LENGTH A YEAR LATER AFTER LASIKIn recent years more and more people seek to get rid of anomalies of refraction. At performing LASIK in hypermetropic eyes excimer laser influence is carried out on peripheral cornea. It is necessary to investigate, whether this impact on angle of forward chamber (AFC), due to changes of morphological properties of collagen fibers of peripheral cornea can affect. In-depth study of extent of opening of the AFC and risk of development of primary closed angle glaucoma (PCAG) in 24 eyes a one year after LASIK by reason of a hypermetropia of average and high degrees is conducted. All operations was planned, without complications. In all eyes the planned eye refraction was reached. Research was conducted by means of gonioscopy, the projective-scan keratotopography; an ultrasound biomicroscopy of structures of the AFC — to find out versions of the anatomical provision of ciliary body (CB) regarding scleral spur became clear: forward, average, back. The high risk of PCAG was educed in 4 eyes (clinically significant narrow AFC), in 10 eyes — increased risk (forward condition CB) — only 58.3 % of the studied materials. In 2 eyes the flat iris syndrome took place. At selection of patients with hypermetropia of average and high degrees for refractive surgery it is necessary to remember that these eyes are subject to risk of formation of PCAG. At presence of risk factors the phacoemulsification can become good alternative, not only eliminating risk of formation of acute spasm of PCAG, but also acting as a method of correction of hypermetropic refraction. At planning LASIK for patients with short axial length of the eye concerning hypermetropia of average and high degrees need to define extent of opening of the AFC and version of the provision of CB (with use of ultrasound biomicroscopy and keratotopography).Key words: short axial length of the eye, acute spasm of glaucoma, angle of forward chamber, refractive surgery.


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About this article

Authors: Tatanova O.Yu., Sorokin E.L.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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