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2015, № 12 (187)

Nuraeva A.B. SURGICAL REPAIR OF EYELID CICATRICAL ENTROPION AND TRICHIASISIn this study the results of surgical treatment of eyelid cicatrical entropion and trichiasis with Alloplant biomaterial for eyelid plasty as an adjuct to autological transplantation of labial mucous membrane. Cicatricial entropion could be secondary to chemical burn or trauma, as long as chronical allergic or infectious process in conjunctiva, Stivens-Johnes disease, Layell syndrome and Sjogren's syndrome. Scarring process starting from conjunctiva involves tarsus and changes eyelid position into entropion. This is usually accompanied by trichiasis which promotes chronical inflammation of conjunctiva and may lead to secondary keratitis, corneal ulcer and corneal opacification. Patients usually experience discomfort from eyeball rubbing by eyelashes, excessive tearing and photophobia due to corneal syndrome. 32 patients with cicatricial entropion of upper eyelid and 29 patients with cicatricial entropion of lower eyelid were followed up in reconstructive and plastic surgery department of our clinic. Eyelid deformities were caused by burn, trauma, Layell syndrome and Stivens-Johnes disease. All patients underwent eyelid entropion surgical repair using know-how surgical technique with the use of Alloplant biomaterial for eyelid plasty and autological labial mucous membrane. During follow up of three years complete entropion and trichiasis repair was observed in all patients. All patients experienced symptoms improvement marked as relief in corneal irritation symptoms, excessive tearing and photophobia disappearance. Special regenerative properties of Alloplant for eyelid plasty provided good transplant survival. Newly formed adequate eyelid frame with anatomically correct position of eyelashes prevented from entropion and trichiasis recurrence.Key words: eyelid cicatrical entropion, trichiasis, eyelid plasty, labial mucous membrane.


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About this article

Author: Nuraeva A.B.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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