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2015, № 12 (187)

Lyalin A.N., Korepanov A.V., Chernykh N.A., Chermak S.B. RESULTS OF PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF THE ACQUIRED MYOPIA USING SIMULATORS "ZENICA" AT THE SCHOOLThe onset and progression of school myopia is an acute social problem. Myopia affects about 35 % of the world population, have high myopia observed in 7 %. Causes of myopia in school age are intense visual loads at close range, wide spread of gadgets schoolchildren from 1 class. According to inspection of schoolchildren 2nd and 3rd classes of a comprehensive school of Izhevsk it was found 29.8 % of those with a myopic refraction. Visual acuity at myopes before treatment was 0.41 and after treatment had risen to 0.42. Moreover, full recovery of visual acuity to 1.0 mentioned in 6.25 % of cases (3 eyes). In emmetropia at the beginning of observation, visual acuity was 0.98, and in the end — 0.96. After the course with TDO "Zenica" noted a significant increase in reserves accommodation 0.6 diopters. Increase of resistance to defocusing for a distance — expansion of a focal zone with the resolution of 40 % in emmetropia –7,0 D and miopy — 5.75 D. The use of TDO "Zenica" marked improvement of visual acuity in children with myopic refraction. In both groups resistance of visual acuity to defocusing for a distance with negative lenses increased. Therefore, resistance to a gipermetropichesky defocus which accelerates growth of an eyeball increased. Possibility of passive adaptation process refractogenesis exist throughout the "period of risk of formation of myopia". Therefore the courses of trainings directed on preservation of balance of visual loadings we recommend to carry out on a constant basis in an age interval from 6–7 to 18–25 years 2 times within a year.Key words: school miopiya, TDO "Zenica", optiko-reflex trainings, results of treatment.


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About this article

Authors: Chernyh N.A., Lyalin A.N., Korepanov A.V., Chermak S.B.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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