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2015, № 12 (187)

Solodkova E.G., Ezhova E.A., Melikhova I.A. SYSTEM OF AN OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT THE GISTOMORFOLOGICHESKIKH OF CHANGES OF A CORNEA AFTER SURGICAL TREATMENTTo investigate and develop criteria for quantitative analysis histomorphological changes in the cornea after different types of effects on the cornea according confocal microscopy. The results of confocal microscopy at 274 patients (487 eyes) after different types of effects on the cornea — LASIK, PRK, corneal collagen crosslinking, and after contact lens orthokeratology lenses. We studied the morphological changes of the cornea, typical for these types of effects. The study developed a single 4-point system assessment of the general morphological changes of the cornea, allowing objectify assessment of all the structures of the cornea and the effectiveness of the treatment, as well as study the features of reparative and regenerative processes in the cornea. When orthokeratology correction observed thickening of stromal nerve fibers and the formation of so-called "acellular zone" in the follow-up of 1 month. After Lasik surgery microjets noted the presence of corneal flap, metallic inclusions in the interface, "fragments" of nerve fibers in the ablation zone. Change innervation to decrease the number of nerve fibers was noted by us and after the PRK and CBC in terms of supervision of up to 1 month. Start reinnervation after surgery occurred in a period of about 1 month. After corneal collagen cross-linking in the follow-up of 1 month or more in all cases observed the appearance of a linear opacities in the middle and back layers of the stroma.Key words: confocal microscopy, epitheliopathy, cell activation, numerical score.


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About this article

Authors: Melihova I.A., Solodkova E.G., Ezhova E.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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