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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Mishuchkov А.А. RETURN TO RELIGIOUS SOURCES IN CIVILIZATIONAL DISCOURSE SPACEAccording to the existentialist Karl Jaspers, spiritual civilization and rational unity of mankind took shape phenomenally in the era of "axial age" in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. Returning to the historical and sacred origins of civilized discourse, beginning with the "Axial Age", will allow humanity to reach a new level of universal communication, to satisfy his spiritual interests. Tendencies and features of modern communication society the postmodern (mythologized singularity, transparency, manipulativeness, tolerance, religious and moral pluralism) influence and even threaten the spiritual foundation of civilized discourse. Specificity of civilizational discourse is considered through the prism of the basic Karl Jaspers` ideas of the "axial age" philosophy: philosophical faith, universal communication, communicative barriers, traditionalism, a man`s freedom and historical identity, cultural identity. The founder of civilized approach in the humanities А. Toynbee reveals the role of spiritual values in overcoming barriers (еurocentrism, neo-colonialism) in communication civilizations reveals the religious meaning of the concept of "challenge-response" in the future, the spiritual renaissance of humanity, related to the culture of "universal communication". For example, M. Weber and P. Sorokin sociologists` works the influence of the religious factor on the civilizational identity is showed and also the role of the sacred meaning in the modern civilizational discourse. According to P. Sorokin, the secularization has led all mankind to spiritual crisis that is going through a transition from "sensual" to "ideational" phase of his civilizational development. In this situation, increasing the historical role of the Russian civilization, which carries a mission of spiritual service in a multipolar world, uniting all nations on the basis of humanistic civilization ethos of traditional values, is included in its core spiritual wealth of the world's religions. Support in the dialogue of civilizations in the humanistic discourse on the basis of the spiritual human values becomes a factor in the global international and cultural security. Key words: К. Jaspers, A. Toynbee, existentialism, the dialogue of civilizations and spiritual values, globalization, civilizational discourse, communication barriers, traditions, universal communication, civilizational identity, spiritual crisis, the expansion of civilization, "axial time", "challenge-response".


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About this article

Author: Mishuchkov A.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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