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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Verzhinskaya I.V. LINGUOCULTURAL SPECIFICS OF COMPARISONS IN THE BRITISH AND AMERICAN HUMORISTIC ART DISCOURSEThe figure of speech "simile" is the object of research of many specialists in literature and linguists. The structural and functional peculiarities of the stylistic device "simile" are not classified in one and the same way. This article is devoted to the research of individually-authored imaginative comparisons in the British and American art discourse. The principle of the analysis of comparisons is in the detection of the agent, referent and the index of similarity, being the indicator of comic conceptual sign actualization. In the result of our analysis of comparative constructions in the texts of both authors we found out that the linguistic units, used for the creation of the image, are different. The linguocultural specifics of similes is determined with actualization of concepts "man", "sound", "face" by such comical conceptual signs "man — paper doll", "man — giant banana", "sound — a turkey was being throttled", "face — a friendly pile of elderly laundry" in the British artistic text "Carpe Jugulum" by T. Pratchett and such comical conceptual signs as "man — a starved dog", "man — a ghost", "man — plump as a pigeon", "sound — a goose being killed", " face — the carved face of a saint sanctified through many stringencies" in the American artistic text "Beauty" by Sh. Tepper. Peculiarities of comic conceptual signs of concepts, being verbalized with comparative linguistic units, characterize the British and American humor. There are such traits as innuendo, reserve, restraint in the basis of the British comic linguocultural code of the text, made up with the linguistic units of comparison. The British delicate humour is based on self-irony, absurdity, understatement. The comic linguocultural code of the linguistic units of comparison in the text of the American author points out such peculiar traits of Americans as openness, frankness, standardization. The American sarcastic humour is reveiling, blunt and straightforward. Key words: subject-logic and imaginative comparison, the agent of comparison, the referent of comparison, the index of comparison, linguocultural peculiarities of comparisons.


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About this article

Author: Verzhinskaya I.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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