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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Mosienko L.V. REGIONAL CULTURE-SPECIFIC TERMINOLOGIES AS A MODE OF IMAGE BUILDING OF ORENBURG'S DISTRICT Positive image building of district allows to present it in the local and international grounds, to put into force social and economic objects. Social science, social psychology, Economics investigate this question. But we don't have aggregate picture of linguistic aspects of data on district. It is introduces term "image building of district" perceived as settled and recurred to the memory of an individual or a group of people system of emotional and rational conceptions about peculiarity of district. It's proved that regional culture-specific terminologies are a unit of information about the district. Regional culture-specific items are single-valued words and phrases without convertible terms, signifier concepts and items appropriate for residents of one or another district. These concepts are related to historical, geographical, social and political existence's factors of inhabitants. Data are given about analysis of articles from official website of municipal administration of Orenburg allows to find out culture-specific terminologies of social and political practice and of cultural events of district. However, historical and territorial culture-bound terms are also important for creation of relevant state of mind of fund clients, business partners and tourists. We use books about Orenburg Oblast for definition of foregoing terms from viewpoint of French authors. It's reported that native-speakers pay great attention to geographical and ethnographical items pointing out correct geographic location, resource endowment, avenue for trade and cultural exchange. Also the article gives a detailed analysis of French local press wherein ethnographical culture-specific terminologies relating to material and spiritual values are uppermost. In consequence of analysis, classification of social and political, historical, geographical and ethnographical concepts was developed. In the summary to the survey results of Russian and French mines, the following conclusions are drawn that image building of district form on the ground of classification of regional culture-specific items, that have an impact on social and economic regional evolution, increase marketability of district in the matter of international co-operation, of attracting investment and of travel business development. Key words: image building of district, identification, classification of regional culture-bound term, regional culture-specific terminologies as a unit of information about the district, regional culture-specific items.


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About this article

Author: Mosienko L.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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