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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Yevgenyeva N.A. TO THE QUESTION OF RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN OF GERMAN WEHRMACHT IN THE MIRROR OF POSTWAR GERMAN LITERATUREThe statement about the role of high artistic information in shaping public consciousness is of axiomatic character. In this regard, the theme reflected in the literature of Germany second half of XX — beginning XXI centuries of the historical memory of the Russian campaign under Wehrmacht imposed from outside Russia information war gets an exceptional value. The focus of the study, conducted in line with the complementary historical-theoretical and thesaurus approaches, was the systematization of the author's position in terms of interpretation of the theme of guilt for the crimes committed by the German army on the occupied Soviet territory. There were four groups of works. The first group includes texts in which the war on the Eastern front does not take up significant space and is a backdrop against which other dramatic life events are unfolding. The second group is represented by works of authorship, in the center of which is not the war itself as a socio-historical phenomenon, but its visible negative manifestations. The third group comprises the works in which the National Socialist war of extermination is presented as a German national tragedy, and ordinary citizens — as victims of the highest public policy. In the works of the fourth group both warring sides are recognized as the victims of the events on the Soviet-German front. Analysis of the problem reflected in the post-war German literature of historical memory of the war against the Soviet Union revealed a heterogeneous picture of the author's position on the issue plea for the criminal acts of the German army on the Eastern Front. As highlighted prevailing tendency is to avoid responsibility for the implementation of the tactics of "scorched earth" on the occupied territory.Key words: war, crime, responsibility, work of literature, historical-theoretical approach, thesaurus approach, the discourse of the victims.


1. Byoll H. That Time We Were in Odessa: short story; transl. from German // H. Byoll. Selected Works. M.: Hudozhestvennaya literatura. — 1989. — P. 478-482.

2. Borchert W. Lots and Lots of Snow: short story; transl. from German // W. Borchert. Selected Works. M.: Hudozhestvennaya literatura. — 1977. — P. 140-141.

3. Grass G. The Tin Drum: novel; transl. from German [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access:

4. Grass G. Crabwalk: novel; transl. from German. M.: SRL "Izdatelstvo ACT"; Kharkov: Folio. — 2004. 288 p.

5. Lazarew L. "And the War Rumbles on the Heels…" (about "Crabwalk"of G. Grass) [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access:

6. Lukov Vl.A. Academician D.S. Likhachev and His Theoretical Concept of Literary History: monograph. М.: Humanities Institute of TV and Radio Broadcasting named after M.A. Litovchin. — 2011. 116 p.

7. Lukov Vl.A. Personal Models in the History of Literature [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access:›Понимание›…/Lukov_models/?clear…

8. Platitsyna N.I. Wolfgang Borchert's work: a view from the XXI century [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access:

9. Remarque E.M. A Time to Love and a Time to Die: novel; transl. from German // E.M. Remarque. Selected Works. M.: JSC "Kniga I business". — 1992. — P. 217-500.

10. Solodilova I.A. Stylistic Analysis of Text. Orenburg: SEI OSU. — 2007. 140 p.

11. Stepanova E. "Fodder for my MG": Modern German Literature about the War against the Soviet Union [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access:

12. Timm U. In My Brother's Shadow: A Life and Death in the SS: novel; transl. from German. M.: Text. — 2013. 157 p.

13. Schneider T.F. A Militant Pacifist [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access:

14. Hahn U. Misty Outlines: novel. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag. — 2005. 279 p.

15. Ruge O. In Times of Fading Light: novel. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag. — 2011. 429 p.

About this article

Author: Evgenyeva N.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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