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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Nesterenko M.Y., Tsvyak A.V. GEODYNAMIC STUDIES HYDROCARBON DEPOSITS SOUTHERN URALSConsidered man-made effects on the earth's crust areas of oil and gas in the Southern Urals region, leading to a decrease in reservoir pressure and changes in the level of reservoir water. The correlation between the decrease in pressure in the water system with geodynamic and seismic activity subsoil. It was found that the water filling the tectonic faults in the geological environment, accelerate the transfer of power generated pressure gradient in the reservoirs beyond the producing fields. The analysis and comparison of the centers of seismic events with the geological and tectonic structure, natural and technogenic disturbed gidrogeodinamikoy. In the developed deposits of hydrocarbons decrease in pressure in the "hydrocarbon — produced water" violates existing natural geodynamic equilibrium containing geological structures, which becomes the cause of their movements and seismic events In addition, the exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits, due to the decrease in reservoir pressure significantly pressure changes in the groundwater, the direction and velocity of movement as well as the permeability and other properties of capacitive and surrounding geological environment. In the developed deposits of hydrocarbons in the South Urals is fixed at an average of 20–30 years of seismic events with magnitude ML = 1–2 or more, which is ten times more common than outside. At the same time, technological geodynamic processes in the upper crust in the areas of development of hydrocarbon deposits occur relatively quickly (compared to natural geodynamic processes), and tend to have long-term consequences. To control the negative developments on the ground action geodynamic processes can be applied geodetic observations on the reference points of profile lines of leveling, however, given the significant land area developed deposits of hydrocarbons, the use of this method of monitoring the development of geomechanical, geodynamic and, under certain conditions, permafrost processes is not always appropriate (high cost work, a significant duration of time, etc.). Seismological monitoring allows to register geodynamic processes in the rock mass with an estimate of their depth continuously. The methodology of construction of geodynamic polygons on the basis of seismic observations. According to the analysis made on a number of hydrocarbon deposits of the Southern Urals observations in accordance with the proposed method of geodynamic monitoring organization, it was established a manifold increase in seismic activity in the areas of subsoil hydrocarbon producing fields. The maximum activity of the geological environment was a space dedicated to the hydrodynamic funnels, concentrating in the areas of greatest fall reservoir pressure and tectonic faults.Key words: geodynamic polygon, hydrodynamic, seismology, South Ural, production of hydrocarbons, tectonic.


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About this article

Authors: Nesterenko M.Yu., Tsvyak A.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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