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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Mishukova T.G., Osipov A.A., Salnikov I.A. DETERMINATION OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN DRINKING WATERS OF ORENBURG OBLASTMicroelements normalizes metabolism, affect the vital organs and the General State of health. With minimal content in natural water, they activate critical biochemical processes in cells and tissues of the body. This article contains information on the contents of essential and toxic trace elements in drinking waters of Orenburg oblast. It has been established that the content of iron, copper, manganese, chromium and zinc does not exceed the maximum allowable concentration. But in all the analyzed samples of drinking water there is a hardness that may lead to the formation of stones in the gallbladder, kidneys, urinary bladder. Drinking water of the Orenburg region differ low zinc content, which can lead to increased accumulation of iron, copper and cadmium, frequent colds and reduce fertility. The inhabitants of these areas you must diversify your diet by eating food rich in fats, vitamins and microelements.Key words: Ecology, health, water, trace elements, Orenburgskaya oblast.


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About this article

Authors: Mishukova T.G., Osipov A.A., Salnikov I.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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