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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Bokov D.A. REPRODUCTION IN ELEMENTARY POPULATIONS OF THE SMALL WOOD MOUSE (SYLVAEMUS URALENSIS PALLAS, 1811): EFFECTIVE RANGE AND MECHANISMS OF ADAPTATIONThe goal is to find a connection and interdependence of the female wood mouse's phenomenological reproduction processes, based on the verification of metasystem regulation mechanism. Using the field, the population-statistical and morphological (including histological) methods, we've studied the complex phenomena of small wood mouse (Sylvaemusuralensis Pallas, 1811) reproductive activity at different biosystem's levels (tissue, organ, organism and population). We studied the changes in the age-reproductive and age-ontogenetic structure of elementary populations of wood mouse, and also the level of fertility and features of the involvement of females in reproduction, dynamics of folliculogenesis in the conditions of change degree of heterogeneity of environmental conditions. Here the phenomenon of gonads' hypoplasia or active blockade of folliculogenesis is common. In background territories limit the entry of females in reproduction is happening. In such animals immediately after rising to the surface, hyperplasia of gonads and a new level of folliculogenesis dynamics — reaching terminal preovulatory forms ovo-somatic gistions are observed.Females with earlier onset of reproductive activity prepared for the new conditions of entry into reproductive activity during ontogenesis.This period is shifted to an earlier time.It the same time, the period of ontogeny, when the first ovulation becomes possible, is changing. In particular, the proportion of females involved in reproduction, retained worse environmental conditions. We defined the adaptive capabilities of all named parameters. Intensification of processes of reproduction and maintaining of the functional-reproductive structure of groups determine of the success of the species and its persistent properties.Key words: wood mouse, reproduction, population structure, folliculogenesis, ovary, adaptation.


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About this article

Author: Bokov D.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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