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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Khardikova S.V., Verkhoshentsev J.P., Tikhonova M.A., Mursalimova G.R., Ivanova E.A., Turmukhambetova A.S. EKOLOGO-FIZIOLOGICHESKIE ASPECTS OF INFLUENCE OF HUMIC PREPARATIONS ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF SAPLINGS OF GRAPES FROM THE TRUNCATED SHANKSResults of researches on influence of humic preparations on growth and development of saplings of grapes from the truncated shanks are given in article. As object of research saplings of grapes of grades Russian early and Agathe Donskoy served. From humic preparations applied: organo-mineral fertilizer a humate of Prompter potassium and complex fertilizer on the basis of a potassium humate with macro — and microcells. Time in 10 days carried out watering of saplings solutions of these preparations. In total for the experimental period made 6 waterings. Having watered saplings it was carried out as required. Frequency of experience 3-fold, on 100 saplings in each option. In control option saplings watered. Researches showed that introduction of humic preparations had positive impact on formation processes, both root system, and land part of saplings of grapes from the truncated shanks which are grown up in climatic conditions of South Ural. Under the influence of humic preparations at skilled plants the increase in the following indicators is noted: quantity of roots of the first and second orders; length and diameter of a root; length and diameter of escape; quantity of leaves on escape; area of a sheet plate. The greatest effect is gained from watering by a humic preparation on the basis of a calcium humate with macro- and microcells. It is caused by that this fertilizer besides a humate of potassium contains still a complex necessary for a plant macro- and microcells. The made experiment shows that application of humic preparations at the accelerated reproduction of grapes in the conditions of South Ural significantly increases quality of landing material. Key words: saplings, grapes, grade, humic preparations, root, escape, area of a sheet surface, South Ural.


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About this article

Authors: Hardikova S.V., Tihonova M.A., Turmuhambetova A.S., Verhoshentseva Yu.P., Mursalimova G.R., Ivanova E.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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