Siromlya T.I, Zagurskaya Yu.V., Bayandina I.I. THE ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF THE EXTRACTS FROM THE HERB HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. GROWN IN THE REGIONS WITH HIGH TECHNOGENIC LOADCd content in Hypericum perforatum raw materials often exceeds the maximum allowable concentrations, as this species is the hub of cadmium. However, the degree of extraction of Cd does not exceed 23š% in decoctions, and 5š%š— in tincture of the total content in the raw material. High isplacement of Pb and Ni and very lowš— Fe and Sr was detected. The content of almost all the chemical elements in the tincture was lower than in the decoction. Plants of Hypericum perforatum L. were grown seedling method of genetically homogeneous material in the three regions of the south of Western Siberia, distinguished by the level of anthropogenic contamination. The total content of chemical elements was determined in pharmaceutical raw materials, water decoctions (raw materials: distilled waterš— 1: 20) and alcoholic tinctures (raw material: 40š% ethanolš— 1: 10) by atomic emission and atomic absorption analysis. Total ash content (3.75–4.87š%) and the amount of insoluble residue (0.31 and 0.73š%) complied with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia XI and was lower than in the studied pharmaceutical raw materialsš— 5.60 and 1.15š%, respectively. In the H.šperforatum grown under a anthropogenic condition, both potassium (5š910–10š690šmg/kg) and lead (0.3–0.4) concentrations were significantly lower than that of the pharmaceutical raw materials (18š662 and 1.4šrespectively). In contrast, the nickel (2.6–5.0), manganese (94–114), zinc (49–60) concentrations was increased significantly than that of the pharmaceutical raw materials (0.7, 17 É 22šrespectively). Total content of ód in H.šperforatum plants from three regions ranged from 0.42 to 1.64šmg/kg, the mean values are generally greater than the maximum permissible concentration established Sanitary rules and Norms for herbal dietary supplements. Cadmium content in H.šperforatum raw materials often exceeds the maximum allowable concentrations, as this species is the hyperaccumulator of cadmium. However, the degree of extraction of Cd in decoctions does not exceed 23š% in tinctureš— 5š% of the total content in the raw material. Very low isplacement was identified for iron and strontium, high — for nickel Ánd lead, potassium has a maximum isplacement. Almost all the chemical elements in plants of Western Siberia move to water extraction on average 1.3–3.4 times (Cdš— 4–5, Srš— 7–8) higher than in water-alcohol extract. The degree of extraction of chemical elements from raw materials harvested in different regions of Western Siberia is significantly different. For plants grown in industrially polluted regions showed a trend towards an increase in the content of readily available forms of chemical elements.Key words: Hypericum perforatum, St. John's wort, medicinal raw materials, chemical elements, tincture, decoction.
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About this article
Authors: Siromlya T.I., Zagurskaya Yu.V., Bayandina I.I.
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |